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Coffee has been villified by Mormons based on some old interpretation of "hot drinks". As a active member, I heard lots of stories and reports of how bad coffee is for the body. Recently, I have been diagnosed with liver disease - it's a NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD. It's something my doctor says needs to be managed rather than cured. So I met with the dietician recently to make any necessary changes in my diet. I was surprised when she told me she wanted me to drink at least 1 cup of coffee every day. Apparently, something in coffee is especially beneficial in managing this condition. It was the one thing the dietician emphasized. Adding coffee is apparently one of the best things I can do for my newly diagnosed condition. So much for how bad coffee is supposed to be for you - or at least for me.

RussRAB 8 Nov 23
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Research in China shows that drinking coffee is very beneficial to health and can cut the risk of early death by up to 31%. I think you were just too late in starting.

Moravian Level 8 May 31, 2022

The word of wisdom was written banning coffee, tea and tobacco because Emma Smith (Not God) told the prophet Joseph that if he did not stop the apostles spitting tobacco stains and leaving coffee rings all over the floors in her house, she was going to kick out his only remaining front tooth (the others having been lost when she caught him fucking 14 year old Fanny Alger in their barn a few years before and stamped on his face.)


I was always told anything taboo was fine if it was for medicinal, tea, alcohol......

I had heard one story about that too. Still, the talk was how bad it was for you.

@RussRAB True, but they're all hypocrites anyway.

True ...

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