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Remember how hotly Brigham Young's curse of Cain pronouncement was debated when Spencer W. Kimball reversed the ban on blacks having the priesthood in 1978?


I never heard from anyone who was able to reconcile the following Brigham Young prophecy with the SWK ban reversal, have you?

"When all the other children of Adam have had the privilege of receiving the priesthood and of coming into the Kingdom of God and of being redeemed from the four quarters of the earth, and have received their resurrection from the dead, then it will be time enough to remove the curse from Cain and his posterity."
Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 2, pp. 142-143;

Heraclitus 8 June 8
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Oh, they got around that one by announcing a few years ago that it turns out, the priesthood ban on the blacks was in fact NEVER a doctrine at all, it was just a "suggestion" by Brother Brigham, well meaning but misguided, and the fact that almost every other prophet after him up until SWK said it was a doctrine of the church, was just a mistake, and the fact that it took a revelation from God to rescind the ban by revelation was just to ensure it was rescinded were DEFINATELY NOT ass covering bullshit.
Apparently all the black brothers and sister get into the CK now, if they have baptisms for the dead done for them and they accept it in the afterlife. 

 Is it just me or does all this sound just a little bit fucking stupid?

Sounds like revisionist theology ad absurdum.

that is the joy of having a living prophet and continual revelation, you can get a way with sooooo much bullshit

@LenHazell53 I had a good lifer Mormon friend who had most of the same questions I had about Mormonism. He meant a lot to me because a lot to me because I found that nearly all Mormons survived by not questioning things very much or very deeply. But when I asked him how he finally reconciled all his doubts he replied by saying he just finally got to the point where it didn't really matter. That stopped me cold because I knew I could never get to the point where thinking didn't matter.

I've met them too, the only way to do that is to put your critical faculties on hold and rely totally on faith, not even faith in God, or Jesus or even Joseph Smith, just faith in the church to live your life for you.
To become a TBM is to completely and totally betray yourself in favour of a peaceful life.

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