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I'm a dog. I've always been a dog. I didn't know I was a dog until I was fifty.


Back when I was studying for my private pilot's license, my instructor once asked me out of the blue...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Pastor accused of urinating on Michigan woman, waking her on airplane []
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Well, maybe he was baptizing her.
As if things weren’t bad enough there’s news reports of large animals attacking people, like the...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Hahahah,,,,,I hope they kill us all. In other news,,,,,,GIANT LOBSTERS!!!
This Incredible Document Explains How Faith-Based Policies Affect Every State | Hemant Mehta | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 14, 2020:
But,,,,,,eh, we're about pro-life.
This made me laugh when I really needed it.
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Time to paint the gutters and the lawn.
Who else is Conservative fiscally but Liberal on social issues?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Conserving the capitalist system is a no starter. It has not proven to take care of long term needs of its citizens.
10/12/2020 Trump's lies and empty promises spiral upwards.
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 13, 2020:
I don't give a shit if its Ronald McDonald at this point.
Raise your hand if your losing your shit
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 13, 2020:
I lost my shit once. Then I found it. But it was too heavy to lift.
Feds: Wolverine Watchmen aimed to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, start civil war
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 12, 2020:
These "militias" are illegal. There has to be oversight from the State guard and the governor. They are not patriots.
Today is: Columbus Day, 🤮 National Kick Butt Day, 🤮 Native American Day 🥰 National ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 12, 2020:
And just plain another shitty day.
🎃Why don't skeletons fight each other?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 12, 2020:
No balls either......
Jim Carey's at it again.
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 12, 2020:
If flys fly and bugs bug us, WTF are spiders?
What is the value of your beauty, or all this beauty around us in this terrible harmonious universe...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I hate spiders.
Bakker: Fly Was Sent to Disrupt Pence By Obama’s Witch Doctor Army
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 12, 2020:
That's what I thought too. Then my fever went away.
How will I know if my brain is in a jar on someones desk and this is a simulated reality?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 12, 2020:
It would be a better simulation. And everybody would be naked.
If Marriage Equality is Overturned by SCOTUS, Interracial Marriages May Be Next | Hemant Mehta | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 11, 2020:
I'm half asian. I'm fucked.
One third of Americans believe the corona virus was sent by god.
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Actually, it was sent by airliner.
G'day everyone, just thought I might pass on a bit of reasoning LOL) that I heard from Evangeloon ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Tell him, on the stroke of midnight, he can find worms mating with slugs. That will blow his mind.
G'day everyone, just thought I might pass on a bit of reasoning LOL) that I heard from Evangeloon ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Ask him if 'god' has a penis. That will stop the conversations.
G'day everyone, just thought I might pass on a bit of reasoning LOL) that I heard from Evangeloon ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Maybe he'd like to have a "little" talk with them?
G'day everyone, just thought I might pass on a bit of reasoning LOL) that I heard from Evangeloon ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Snails in Hell, the movie!
Priest caught having threesome on altar.
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 10, 2020:
At least he paid for these hookers.
Atheists sneaking into churches and putting googly eyes on all the Christs.
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 10, 2020:
I didn't do it. But I'd do it.
Today’s Supreme Court Case Threatens to Turn Nonreligious Americans into Second-Class Citizens | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 9, 2020:
For a specific investigation, I don't have a problem with what the agents did. For the routine treatment of Muslims, no. As far as a precedence setting law, no.
Study finds that right-wing authoritarians aren’t very funny people
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 9, 2020:
They think they are funny when they kill people.
Have any of you or a friend or loved one had a near death experience?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I was in a coma for four days. Didn't see shit.
Let the puns Fly!
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Oh look, the pretty green fly found lunch!
Biden campaign fly swatters sell out after viral Pence moment
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I really wanted one.
FBI arrests right wing militia members plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor []
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Co-conspirator, Trump should also be arrested for sedition.
Kat Kerr Says 1,000 'Special Ops Angels' Have Been Dispatched From Heaven to Ensure Trump's ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Sure, I always listen and take seriously a sixty year old with pink hair talking about special ops from "heaven".......
I have recently come upon the situation of trying to explain my position on "religion" to a ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Tell him there's free Ice Cream and cake in hell?
Can anyone relate?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 7, 2020:
When you start making up "beliefs", you start making up rules. Non starter.
Top White House aide Stephen Miller tests positive for Covid-19 - CNNPolitics
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Oh, no.........hehehe........
'They did not ask for this': High school football game forced to end at half after Ammon Bundy ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 5, 2020:
They are gonna remember this when they get older.
Florida man used Bible to attack a deputy because ‘God told him to’ cops say
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 5, 2020:
And of course. But they didn't shoot him did they?
Who else thinks Trump should go off to his own Island & leave America the f alone?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I wouldn't leave him alone with the animals on the island. Or the plants.
Hello everyone let me add this here. whats the latest with this site you re all still confuse ?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Hello, confuse lastest site with you. shat blorgum clasbaugh!
Religiousil - For All Your Worries
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Available in a suppository at your favorite church. Installed.
Hate-Pastor Joshua Feuerstein Is Launching a Church for Christian Nationalists | Hemant Mehta | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Tax breaks for white supremacists! Only in merica.
9/30/2020 2020 continues, so chaotic haven't even yet written about the grim one million dead ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 1, 2020:
And Giant Lobsters.
In Video, Founder Of Proud Boys Praises Violence, Particularly Strangulation
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Well, they haven't met their match. The Mothers of Portland. Those ole ladies will f*^()& you up.
Window shortcut to add emojis Do you ever use Agnostic on your laptop/desktop instead of your ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Window shortcut to add emojis Do you ever use Agnostic on your laptop/desktop instead of your ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 30, 2020:
MAGA Cultist Josh Bernstein: If Biden Wins, “There Will Be Blood Spilled” | Hemant Mehta | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 30, 2020:
He should be arrested today. That is a threat to intimidate voters.
Former Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale has been involuntarily hospitalized after a call was ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Jeez, he took him down like Rand Pauls neighbor!
Former Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale has been involuntarily hospitalized after a call was ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I don't believe this was "voluntary". Doesn't look like a volunteer to me.
So where do you get your morality from if you’re an atheist?
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I get my "morals" from the response I get from society and contacts. I don't get them from a book. And if I did, it would be a magazine?
What a die-hard man.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Life? Use it all up until you're gone.
9/28/2020 One more day till the Trump/Biden first debate.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Why are we going to watch a "debate" with a helpless dorf? For the red meat? Ok.
Trump supporter in penis mask charged with assault | News |
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 28, 2020:
As classy as the "President"....
Heyy look whos shirt arrived just in time for her birthday! 😮😉 its my birthday y'all, ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 28, 2020:
U have it on backwards.......
Well, it's finally happened.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Well, then, screw them and their funny looking boss~!!
I look forward to the day that the cross sits discarded besides the swastika as just another ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 27, 2020:
They are the same, different shape, but the same.
9/26/2020 2020 weirdness keeps rolling along, Covid-19 continues to ravage the land unimpeded.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 27, 2020:
It could have been tuna. That would have been a slaughter.
What is it that if you have, you want to share me, and if you share, you do not have?
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Time. And you just ran out.
Well I'll darned, just got a a very earnest and most unexpected APOLOGY of all things from ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 26, 2020:
"Next week, we'll find out about that piece of space rock that knocked the Evangeloon the fuck out". "stay tuned".
Well I'll darned, just got a a very earnest and most unexpected APOLOGY of all things from ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 26, 2020:
"Tales of the Evangeloon". by Mr Triphid. A story about a dysfunctional neighbor and the stupidity surrounding them.
DeJoy Says Mail Sorting Machines Were Stripped For Parts And Can't Be Reinstalled | HuffPost
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Huh. Stripped for what parts? And where did these parts go? Where did the money go for the "stripped" parts?
My smoking, drinking, pregnant "great christian" neighbor (from hell) just puked on her front porch ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 25, 2020:
I thought if you were in Spokane or Yakima, that was the custom.
May he dies a slow and agonizing death-- he deserves it []
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 25, 2020:
I hope he has health insurance. No. Fuck him.
Trump will not leave office without a fight. []
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 25, 2020:
I'll fight him!
Baptist Preacher Caught Yelling “White Power!” After Speaking at Trump Rally | Hemant Mehta | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Annnnnd, he's getting a tax break for being "religious". Is this his strongly held belief?
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Does he think we're cheap whores? I need at least three fiddy.
Right-Wing Pastor Says His Prayers Killed Ruth Bader Ginsburg | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Well then, he should be put on trial for murder.
The US slope is increasing again. What will be the excuse this time?
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 22, 2020:
When this started I remarked to friends we would have three hundred thousand before the new year. We are on schedule. I stated this because of the childish behavior of the US citizens.
Man Shoots Himself in Groin While Showing Off His Gun In Supermarket Checkout Line
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 22, 2020:
No brain included with instructions. First mistake, finger on trigger. Second mistake, chambered with no safety on. Third mistake, never point at anything you don't intend to shoot. Hahahaha...................
Trump threatened to issue executive order to keep Biden from being president!🤔 [forbes.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I would LOVE to see the reaction on that. The military would have to stand down and possibly remove Trump if he tried it.
Under GOP Pressure, U.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 21, 2020:
rrrrrrrrgh...............I don't need to get any angrier............
For anyone wondering how I feel about religious people - this is my stance (major rant).
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I'm tired of being angry...........But we need to control some of that energy for the real conflict. Hang on......
Justice Dept. deems New York City, Portland and Seattle 'anarchist jurisdictions'
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Oh shit! Dummy is getting an idea.
This just in: NO, this will NOT in fact protect you from the Coronavirus.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 21, 2020:
This is why the Aliens won't land.
Suspect arrested for allegedly sending ricin-tainted letter to White House
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 21, 2020:
And I thought Canadians were "nice" people.
I hear there are administrative site moderators now.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Just for reporting on this, I am reporting you.
What do you all think of Pascal's Wager?
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Should we pray to the extension cord if we are afraid of Zeus?
What do you all think of Pascal's Wager?
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 17, 2020:
How about after dieing you spend eternity in a Walmart? How would you prepare?
FFS, when this saga with Evangeloon and his mother come to an end?
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Crazy is sometimes hereditary.
As if his idiocy were not already complete, now Trump claims that fallen trees "explode.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I woke up last week and a tree had moved closer to the house. I think its ready to attack. They tend to move around then fall over close to a house and explode.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 15, 2020:
When I was five, I was killed by a duck.......
As if his idiocy were not already complete, now Trump claims that fallen trees "explode.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Squirrels did it. Those little bushy assholes!
At the funeral home the other day people were wondering about the large animal under my daughter's ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 15, 2020:
At the funeral home the other day people were wondering about the large animal under my daughter's ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Transgender Satanist anarchist wins Republican nomination for New Hampshire county sheriff | Daily ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 14, 2020:
None of those words fit together,.
Failed GOP candidate: Masks are part of a ‘demonic ritual’ to take away your rights – ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 14, 2020:
We only wear Demon masks during ritual. This is silly.
In my own personal worldview, initiating violence is a moral crime, no matter what convoluted excuse...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 14, 2020:
So, you won't defend yourself? Won't try to save your own life?
green machine.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Whats interesting about dragonflys is their behavior is different among species. We have six species of Dragonflies in my state. I have a pond with spraying water that they are attracted to. Inquisitive and fun to watch.
My daughter's adopted child is 12 years old.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 13, 2020:
As a volunteer shelter worker, I had to take many animals to the last vet visit. I adopt old dogs and cats, they need a real home, not some corner in the shelter for their last few years. As a result every few years, I have a pet die. The time we give them is most important. They don't get very much to begin with.
Pope Francis Says Having Sex And Eating Good Food Is 'Simply Divine'
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 13, 2020:
And he forgot a good poop.
9/12/2020 Western wildfires, science denial, poltics, and the pandemic.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Actually its smoking. And stinking.
(We are all energy.) Scientists say the “soul” does not die. [curiosmos.]
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 13, 2020:
I would buy "we are all electricity".........and that is like a battery. Eventually that goes dead.
(We are all energy.) Scientists say the “soul” does not die. [curiosmos.]
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Ok, where did they move to? "Soul", define please?
Well I may have copped a totally uncalled for and unwarranted tirade from Evangeloon yesterday , ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 13, 2020:
"And Mr Triphid, exactly how many times did you strike your neighbor?"
And a liar as well
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
what to do!!??.......
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Place the car in neutral. Press the accelerator firmly to the floor and hold. Move the shift selector to the drive position. Hold on.
This day in history - Sep.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I've already had enough of religion before this happened. This was just another stick on the anger wagon.
For all dog lovers ...a much needed bit of humor!
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
He doesn't really look like a killer. The neighbors call my dog, the junkyard dog. He looks kinda scrappy, but he likes everybody.
OK, here's my paranoid conspiracy theory.
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
The "party" is diverse and it doesn't have a lack of "moderates". There are conservatives who pull to the middle, that will always be the case. They have their own financial interests and that is going to be a influencing factor.
Kaduna state in Nigeria is on the verge of passing a law that would make surgical castration ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Removing body parts by the government is not a good start to criminal reform. What's next,,,,, hands?
Kaduna state in Nigeria is on the verge of passing a law that would make surgical castration ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
That was the story of Steven Titus. Southland Sales Rep. I knew Steve from work. I lived blocks from where the "crime" was commited. So, the Port of Seattle did the investigation. Are the Nigerian police capable of doing a investigation and coming to a better conclusion?
Kaduna state in Nigeria is on the verge of passing a law that would make surgical castration ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Upon viewing Edward Lee King’s photo, the victim who had identified Titus began to cry and said, “Oh my God, what have I done to Mr. Titus?” Judge Johnson overturned Titus’s conviction and dismissed the charges against him. After the dismissal, Titus stated that he had lost everything. “I lost my fiancée because I spent so much time dwelling on this, and I’ve changed. I’m not the person she knew. I lost my job, my family lost their savings, $9,000. I owe $3,000 to my attorney.” In 1982, Paul Henderson was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his investigative reporting regarding Titus’s case. Titus filed a $20 million lawsuit against the Port of Seattle alleging wrongdoing that led to his wrongful conviction. The lawsuit accused Port of Seattle Officer Ronald A. Parker of gross negligence and intentional disregard for the constitutional rights of Titus. However, Titus, who was in his mid-30’s, died of a heart attack on February 2, 1985 while the case was pending. Several months later, Titus’s lawsuit was settled out of court, and his teenage son, Ken Titus, was awarded $2.8 million in damages on behalf of his father.
What the hell is this?? 🤣
PondartIncbendog comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Jesus said he would fill this with fish!


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