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Apparently last Sunday both Sunday school and the R/S_Priesthood sessions world wide were given over to an open forum for the discussion of how terrible the lives of Ex-Mos have gone.
Members were regaled with stories of ex members falling in to drunkenness, divorce, adultery, financial ruin and even becoming involved with black magic.
This was followed up at the end with a warning that for the good of your testimony, and your eternal soul and family, to avoid these people, protect your temple worthiness and pity them.
DO NOT read about them on the (s)internet
DO NOT talk to them
DO NOT listen to their lies about how great there life is now
DO NOT listen to their non faith promoting tales of having more money
DO NOT Dine with them as their unblessed food will do you no good
DO NOT be fooled by their seemingly unchanged life and attitude and sunny disposition, because it is a trick of the adversary and they are really MISERABLE in their sin.

This new policy of "saving" the existing member is a personal plan from President Nelson Muntz and is nothing at all to do with the terrify rate of apostasy and soaring numbers of inactive members, no not at all.

LenHazell53 9 Feb 15
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I am happier now than ever. The best thing the Moron church ever did for me was to excommunicate me! 🙂

What did you do?
Something heinous no doubt, that today they have adopted as general church policy?
They threatened to ex me for talking about the totally "untrue" story of the rock in the hat, that today is now spun in to a sort of truth that does not really matter.

@LenHazell53 I was excommunicated for apostasy. I studied Joe Smith too closely, and I determined that he was a false prophet, with no divine gift for foretelling the future. He made predictions in the name of the LORD that were never fulfilled, and the time for fulfilment had passed.


Suppression born of desperation.

Heraclitus Level 8 Feb 15, 2019

This sort of thing always sounds like desperation.


Can you explain how this played out? You say it was an open forum, I'm assuming the members were presented with these ideas but then allowed to discuss them? I would have loved to witness my family member's wards as they sat through this. Maybe I won't be asked to say the prayer over the food anymore....?

I wasn't there, I just got reposts from a few jack Mormons I know, who go to keep the family peace, but apparently it was supposed to be open discussion, but was planned well in advance who was going to speak and what was going to be said.

Also apparently now if you want to give your testes-money in F&T you have to give your name in advance and wait to be called, two many ex-mo coming in and testifying the church is not true and homosexual teenagers shouting down the church polices on LBGBTQ or coming out in public

@LenHazell53 Gotcha. I used to think the desperate measures they were taking would wake people up and be the end of the church. Unfortunately, I realized history is against me. It will lead to many asking questions and leaving but there are enough people willing to take their place that I can't count on the church failing anytime soon.

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