9 3

I saw something last night, and I need some help understanding. Can anyone help me?

I was eating supper last night at a restaurant, and on the tv I saw something that shocked me, more than surprised me. A rodeo was on, and my question is, why the hell are they still a thing?? More importantly, how the hell has peta and the apsca let them still have rodeos?? The way the "cowboys" were wrestling the calves, they were nearly twisting their damn heads off. And for sport at that. How does a NFL quarterback get put in prison for fighting dogs, but rodeos are perfectly fine? Somebody please explain that to me so i can understand.

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godlessinal 7 Aug 24
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It’s America!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Aug 24, 2019

@MsHoliday Now I AM disappointed!


Too many people to fight on the issue, I suppose. I don't personally go to rodeos and I don't like movies or TV shows about them. With that said I'm not into football or baseball either.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 24, 2019

That's perfectly fine, alot of people don't like sports. But those players choose to play those games. Those cows don't have a choice. That was what I was saying.

@godlessinal And you are right!


Because not all the men are pussy cats yet!

zesty Level 7 Aug 24, 2019

So, are we to understand that "real men" engage in activities that torture animals, while weak men care about what happens to animals? That's how I interpret your comment.

Have you been to a rodeo? I've been to one, and will never go to another. One of the ways they get animals to buck is by wrapping a rope around their genitals. ANYONE would jump if their gonads were in a knot. I think rodeos, like bullfights, and probably other activities that many enjoy, is based on the "look how much smarter/stronger I am than this animal." And my response is, if THAT is what gives your life meaning, that's very sad.

But I am not saying this applies to YOU, because you are not out there on the backs of these miserable animals.

@citronella No, I haven't been to a rodeo. Not interested. Also no, it is not what gives life meaning. However, as unfortunate as it is, this gives us aggressiveness, teaches us to be tough and rough. These are the qualities our men need when we send them to fight the really bad guys, the Muslims and communists. To kill them and stay alive. A rodeo is a preschool for the training of a professional soldier. Our soldiers fight and die so you and I could be free and enjoy life. I always give priority in my sex scheduling to combat soldiers. Are you doing the same?

@citronella You're a badass!! Thanks for your comment, and for defending those animals. You rock!!!

@zesty My grand dad was in the navy, and fought in ww2, and he wasn't a rodeo rider. I guess in your eyes that made him weak, but he was a cotton farmer, and was too poor to do anything like that. He was more interested in eating and taking care of his family instead of abusive animals for fun. So my question is, what makes the people you're talking about soo much Damn better than my grand dad? Just because he didn't abuse animals, and btw, he used a tractor instead of a mule.

@ProudMerrie no

@ProudMerrie, @godlessinal It is not about abusing animals. It is unnecessary, however, in my view, not an important issue. I was questioning this super sensitive, constantly complaining, "this offenses me", bleeding heart mentality so popular lately.

@ProudMerrie In general, way too many complaining going on. People should get a life.

@ProudMerrie Get an M16 instead of the AR. Full auto, emjoy the rounds more frequently. Lol

@ProudMerrie Just a suggestion. Lol


It's a culture thing. And thank Dog that PETA doesn't rule the world! I'll say that I am not into rodeos and haven't ridden a horse in almost 50 years (Nor do I want to) and I have never ridden a bull.

My dad fancied himself a cowboy in his youth. He owned and rode horses in Oklahoma. He gave me a 12" bullwhip years ago that I can handle like Indiana Jones. I've played with that for years, though I haven't had it out in a while.

I have no need to ride a bull to prove my manhood. If needed, I can arm wrestle, punch someone in their esophagus faster than they can block me or challenge them to a duel. PETA APPROVED

RiverRick Level 7 Aug 24, 2019

Why is it necessary to do ANY of those things to prove you are a man?

@citronella sar·casm


You are absolutely correct..many animals are hurt or maimed during rodeo events - especially young animals, like calves, but also adult animals that are burned with electric prods and chafed with straps to make them buck, despite all the new protective rules.


birdingnut Level 8 Aug 24, 2019

So much evil, especially toward animals is condoned by that catch all excuse "It's traditional"
Chopping bits off your kids because god says so is traditional too, and we're only just beginning to stop doing that, well get round to stopping these barbarous sports eventually I suppose.

Slow and steady wins the race, unless your racing against fast and steady😉 I hope our anti suffering ideologies spread, but takes time. I still eat meat😟


If it's an activity you do not like do not support it, professional football makes no money from me nor does NASCAR or golf or bowling. Of course I may watch a Nascar event if the day of the show they tell everybody to turn their car around and race in a clockwise direction making right turns.🤣

oldFloyd Level 8 Aug 24, 2019

‘Bull Fighting,’ too! It’s still going on… Apparently, it’s whatever the ‘lack of culture’ allows..

Varn Level 8 Aug 24, 2019

@NoPlanetB Your opinion - not mine ~

@NoPlanetB Either chasing calves across an area to see how fast you can jerk ‘em to the ground and bind their feet to their neck … or raising bulls outside the sight of walking humans then placing said ‘human’ on their back inside a stall before releasing them to a screaming audience … or the barbaric systematic torture and murder of an innocent beast inside an amphitheater.. Tell me, which do you find the most appealing..?

@NoPlanetB some are saying they get the bulls to buck so hard by causing testicular pain. Are you saying this isn’t true or that you don’t consider that a torture?

@NoPlanetB good, glad to hear it. It seemed kinda silly anyway, It seems like the bull is going to try to get the rider off himself straps or not.


So what does everybody think?? Let me know!!!

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