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Another great post pointing out the inequality of religion against women;

Robecology 9 Jan 9
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Sexism ingrained in the culture of the entire world and backed by "God" -- About as intense as it could be.

Agn0s Level 4 Jan 24, 2023

Inspiring . I shared the daylights out of this one !

Dougy Level 7 Jan 10, 2023

Which begs the question: Why do the deities of such religions impose that their leaders should be male only which is a clear violation of equal opportunity between sexes. If mere humans todays can conclude that there should be equality among the sexes, then why can’t their dietes? Are their dieties not all knowing? If so, then their dieties are imperfect and make mistakes 🤔

Because the church leaders never bought in to "clear violation of equal opportunity between sexes" They consider god a "he" and most religions won't even allow a woman in to a position of authority.

Pew research explains;


Because woman is the original sinner/temptress/second-made.

@LucyLoohoo Many religious men still think this way. As long as these religions exist, women subjugation will continue.

@Gwendolyn2018 This might not happen in our lifetime but I’m still hopeful it would happen one day 👍

@Gwendolyn2018 The repeal of Roe vs. Wade was a shock to a lot of people including those who are aware of events happening in America 😓

@Gwendolyn2018 As a long-time Planned Parenthood worker (years), I can tell you that they've made plans ever since the PUSTULE came into office, it was obvious the xtians were leaning on him to kill Roe. The clinic where I work has received a LOT of donations (this is California, after all)...enough to train/certify three more practitioners and open a new clinic in a low-income area. We're expecting patients from out-of-state and we're ready!

@Gwendolyn2018 Right! Terminations are 3% of what we do...THREE PERCENT! But the rabid right won't even consider that, will they? Pap smears, mammograms, STD testing, HPV, hepatitis a/b vaccines, hormones for people under gender transition, educational outreach for teens, free condom distribution & menstrual supplies in homeless or low-income areas, dozens of contraceptive products and more. And always in a helpful, supportive, non-judgmental atmosphere.


"Yes Dear" Jean-Paul Sartre 5 minutes later 😉


And in that book she explains how it all came to be. Reader alert, you need a philosophical dictionary on hand to understand it.

Lorajay Level 9 Jan 9, 2023

I concur; I tried reading her memoirs years ago....challenging!!


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Posted by KilltheskyfairySick of it!!!

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyDangerous, indeed.

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