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We all have Gods!!!!

This is my new realization !

  • WHAT?!!!
    We all have brains.. good or bad all have this machine that controls their existence.
    We all are owned by our brains.
    There! Our brain is the only God each one of us has!!!!
Neenz 7 Sep 27
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If that's the case...our ''god'' must be a superstitious monster who craves power and control.

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Sep 28, 2019

I worship the Devil.

St-Sinner Level 9 Sep 28, 2019

I am just a humble Saint in His AllMighty's service spreading his message of assailing the idiot, stupid, fantatic, moron, extreme right, extreme left, religious, superstitious and slow brains including in here. MRBUH (May Rage Be Upon Him).

@dan325 Yes but the master tells me who the population is. Then it is easy onwards. But yes, that stupid population is quite large. We have special divisions dedicated just to religion.


What about your gut? It's well proven that many of your emotions, impulses, even some thoughts, originated in the abdominal core. Look at the work of Candace Pert for example. For that matter some thought seemed to reside in the heart.

No, I don't accept that I am controlled by my brain. I'm not a machine made up of parts. I am something with... attributes. Features.

Metahuman Level 7 Sep 27, 2019

@dan325 okay. I'll address both points. The first point is that no, the brain is not the master controller. That little trick of self-awareness that you do that thinks it's in control, that's an illusion.

No. You are an entire organism. You are a colony creature whether you realize it or not, whether you like it or not.

As to machines being made up of parts - I can give you a room full of old Chevy parts and tools, you can probably put together a working car.

However, I could give you a room full of human parts and any tool you can imagin and you're not going to put together a working human.

Life. . grows. Machines are made.

I know where your argument will go. You will say okay fine but machines are what make up life. Your cells are little molecular machines . This is extremely arrogant.

It would be far more accurate to say that machines imitate life, rather than that its life imitating machines.

Machines are at the current state of our technological development.

Life has been evolving, and practicing, and developing for millions upon millions of years. Experiment after experiment. On levels of complexity that would boggle your mind.

Machines, imitate, life, poorly.

It's a subtle shift in your thinking, but if you make it the whole world will look a whole lot different.

Life may be machine like from a certain perspective, but that doesn't mean that you understand what's really going on just because you can say that.

There is something far beyond our understanding of engineering and operation at work in any living thing.

@dan325 sorry for the double dip. However the last point is that I'm not advocating intuition is superior to reason and logic. I'm saying that intuition in its broadest sense is not only as valid as reason and logic, but is as necessary. Both are needed, to inform one another.

@dan325 okay. I apologize for the phrasing which directed this at you personally.

This was not my intention.

In my mind as I'm arguing this out I'm actually speaking against a particular viewpoint of nihilistic thinking about the universe as a random accident, something that just happened

".., it's all big machine and we can describe it with a logarithms".

It wasn't you personally, it was that idea which is where I thought you were going with this. I've been down this road a lot with a lot of different thinkers arguing the other side, and I've come to expect a certain materialistic viewpoint from people who speak in certain ways. This may indeed be arrogant, and once again I apologize. Certainly it violates one principle I believe in, which is seek first to understand, then to be understood. I'll do better.

I appreciate your description of your worldview. I agree.

With intuition, I haven't made myself clear.

I am sure of one thing, which is that there are two entirely distinct ways of thinking. Two different modes, if you will.

For the sake of a brief rough sketch let's call one reason and the other intuition.

Now what mode of thinking is a house cat using when it plans an absolutely amazing feat of balance coordination and skill?

I would say it's intuition, the intuitive mode. We have this too, but in us it's as equally developed as our analytical faculties.

Consider how many discoveries have come to their fruition in the intuitive mode of people.

Archimedes, the discovery of the structure of benzene, etc.

Intuition also considers the data, just not in the same way. If reason could be compared to a searchlight, then intuition could be compared to a flood light.

Sometimes one is more preferable than the other, sometimes the other, but they make a great pair if you're looking for something in the dark.

You can't have yin without yang.

@dan325 that's a good example. Intuition can be trained just as reason can.


i don't see why we have to call it god. god has a definition already, albeit a loose one. it's not THAT loose. i don't feel that my brain created the universe, or that my brain is a perfect being, or that my brain is either omnipotent or omniscient. i don't worship my brain. i don't pray to it. i don't fear it will punish me if i misbehave or hope it will reward me if i do what it says. in what way is it related to anyone's concept of god? i don't buy it at all.


genessa Level 8 Sep 27, 2019

@dan325 rofl i know i am no goddess, either -- but my guy, who likes his hair short and who has asked someone to arrange a haircut for him, asked me today if i meant what i'd casually said to someone today about liking his hair long, and when i said yes i meant it, he declared that in that case he would cancel the haircut! now i think he must think i am a goddess 🙂)


@dan325 yep! but we're smart enough not to go all literal about it lol.



Sounds logical but I am not sure it is true.

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