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Working on removal of "in god we trust" IF the god in which they trust cannot be established on court and government records to ensure no one would be atheist if said God were to be documented in court and other government records, then they shouldbe requiredto remove"in god we trust"..

Needing legal assistance in subpoena writing.
Building a case based on scholarly expert testimony that would then allow subpoena for "God" to be subpoenaed into court.

Atheist Bart Ehrman could testify that physical Jesus existed.

Atheist Richard Dawkins could testify about his coinage and initial definition of meme. A mind virus organism that can evolve in a person's brain and be passed from person to person thru a culture.

Atheist Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris can testify on the cognition evolution and brain activity antecedent to cognate awareness that would give further understanding of meme information in the brain to do brainless slime mould type cognitive activity in human brains.

Once we establish that the biological nature for Jesus of biblical text is meme that evolved to mimic homo sapien form, we then can show it is possible to have a style of God brought before a government in simular manner as Jesus style meme God organism was brought under warrant of arrest to be charged with blasphemy and sentenced to death.

If the courts cannot sufficiently produce its "God" then it should be established that the government must remove all "in god we trust " from all governmental terrorist controled buildings, police cars, money and such.

"Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity "

Word 8 June 12
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If only this could happen, but it won't. So many people think they cannot get through their day without "their Jesus." Others know he exists because they "feel it in their hearts." My heart pumps blood but I doubt it has feelings. You never see on the news where the police gather in a circle and pray before going into the building that the bad guy is in. Leave that to Dawg the Bounty Hunter. Our society is set up in such a way that there would be a big outcry if "In God We Trust" was ever removed from anything. It might even be fitting that those words are on our money because everything is all about money. I find that money is our god.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 13, 2023

Yes, exactly a point of consideration to understand: the word "god" is not limited specifically to be applicable to only something in the sky.

So then, the point I am trying to make is for the government to produce specially what the God is that they claim trust in. Thus to say, if the government is saying money is its God then the government needs to recognize specifically on government records that money is the God they hold trust in. Thus, that is the governmental God and it should appease anyone from calling themselves atheist because the government god, being money, does exist.

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Posted by KilltheskyfairySick of it!!!

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