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There is natural morality.

In living with others, there is a natural morality based upon expectations.
An adult or a group of adults co-living is expected to live independently, self-sufficiently, harmoniously and responsibly. Why would one want as a neighbor one who didn’t?
Parents are expected to prepare their children to do so. If not by their parents then by whom?

Natural morality suggests a Golden Rule, “Live with others harmoniously and responsibly”. To do to another what one will, personally or through others, without their consent is disharmonious. To do so intentionally is irresponsible.

SunshineEast 5 Aug 25
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There is only one moral anyone needs. It's called empathy, but unfortunately some have none/ zero/ zip. So religions write it down for them eg don't covert thy neighbors partner.........if you posses empathy this is a no brainer as you would not want your neighbor drooling over your partner, so you don't do it to them.

puff Level 8 Aug 26, 2022

One has natural rights. One can believe, choose and do what they will. Because they can, should they? An ability to do something is defined as a natural right if no law can prevent on from doing it. There are different statements as the Golden Rule. "Do to another what you'd want another do to you" "Don't do to another what you would not want another to do to you." "Live and let live."

@SunshineEast But all based in empathy

@puff Yes, in a selfish sense, though. Empathy relative to one's self. Do to another what you would want another to do to you. Don't do to another what you would not want another to do to you. When I think of empathy, I think of putting myself in the other person's position.

@SunshineEast Empathy for me is not just the ability to put yourself in another person's position and comprehend how they feel ,it's that same ability but for any life form and even inanimate things eg without empathy Einstein would not have been able to pretend he was observing light and then placing his view point at differing speeds/ positions around it. He was able to put himself in that light's position so to speak aka empathy.
Empathy should not be human centric imo. It is an ability that should be capable of encompassing all other life from whales to microscopic forms. Flora included. Plus as mentioned even inanimate things like light.

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