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...winter driving is a skill some people never learn?

FrostyJim 8 Nov 19
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I had to go to a business seminar last week and my boss asked why I didn’t leave right after it ended. I said I didn’t want to drive in the dark so stayed another night. Unfortunately the next morning I drove right into a blizzard where I thought I was going to die. I told boss no nights and no winter trips. Fire me if you don’t like it.


Today I ran three miles. It was 23 degrees F. Brrr!

A lightweight down jacket, hat with earflaps and warm gloves were not enough.


I have had a policy for years, if it has snowed I don't get on the road until 10 am, by then most of the idiots have parked their cars either voluntarily or non voluntarily. When I was stationed in the northern tier, I learned that no one car really drive well in the snow and ice so give everybody a wide berth and let them pass.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 19, 2022

We have a huge amount of Navy people living here to support the Submarine Base,.....young families, and many of them have never seen snow, never mind drove in it.
Also a lot of bald tires because the lower grades make crummy $$.
I stay Home when it snows, ain't nothin' i can't live without!!!!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 19, 2022

Especially with bald tires as with the USPS.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 19, 2022

Clearly most any reason not to leave the house, yeah? (Although a lot of them never learn to drive on dry roads, either.)

Lauren Level 8 Nov 19, 2022
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