8 23

I think the most annoying thing for an introvert is to be called shy. The shy person is the person that has something to say but is afraid to speak up. Or wants to a group but is afraid to confront people. Believe me, when an introvert has something to say, they will speak up. And if introverts aren't out being social, it's because they chose not to. I hate it when I'm out with a group, listening to conversations, enjoying a drink, and someone, usually the loud center of attention person, thinks that because I haven't said anything in a while that I must be shy and he tries to direct conversation my way to prod comments out of me. Dude, if I haven't said anything in a while, it's because your dumb anecdotes haven't been worthy of a comment. 😉

mikecagain 7 July 22
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The loudmouth types will typically interrupt you before you've gotten an entire thought out anyway, which is extra aggravating!

Kat Level 5 July 22, 2018

I really hate when that happens... I consider myself introverted as well as socially anxious, so when I do finally have something to say, so often I am interrupted by someone who was already doing most of the talking a moment earlier. This kind of behavior has led me to not even try and just assume that I will be interrupted.


I get this crap all the time..

geek4life Level 2 July 22, 2018

When I was young, I was both introverted and shy. Now I am just introverted.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 22, 2018

Absolutely right. I can't stand the loud mouth who keeps talking just to hear themselves talk.


Exactly. If I have something to say, I'll say it. If not, then I won't.


Almost makes you want to be an extrovert!.....Just kidding...LOL


Yes, that annoys me too. Seriously I am quite capable of speaking up if I have something to say.


LOL! Bravo!.. I have the same experiences! slow clap

Loud_Love Level 5 July 22, 2018
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Posted by Heather2367I feel the same way.

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