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Who can relate to this?

Shelton 8 Dec 14
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If I could get away with not speaking , and only using sign language , at least for a period of time , I would . But unless we are characterized by either nonverbal autism [] , or selective mutism [] , for instance , others expect us to converse with them .

Marmion Level 6 Dec 18, 2018

I can relate. This is where the term conservative would apply to me but socially speaking in this case. I tend to shy away from the crowds and don't dress too flashy. The only thing I find that I'm not introverted/conservative on is romance or sex.

SpikeTalon Level 9 Dec 18, 2018

Many days.



Buxx Level 7 Dec 15, 2018

Count me in.

EricJones Level 8 Dec 15, 2018


Wildflower Level 8 Dec 14, 2018

Except my bf...


A good majority of the time, yes.

Kynlei Level 8 Dec 14, 2018

I don't think we should talk about it. At all. With Anyone.

tallguy241 Level 7 Dec 14, 2018

Mexican folk wisdom: better alone than in bad company

TheDoubter Level 9 Dec 14, 2018

I agree! But sometimes I crave intelligent discussion.

MojoDave Level 9 Dec 14, 2018

That's why we're here.


I feel like that a lot...

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Posted by CocoavineDo you want to hang out this weekend?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, I’d rather be home…

Posted by AppleriverTexting is always best

Posted by AppleriverWhy go out when you can stay cozy in your pj’s

Posted by KilltheskyfairyNo wonder I eat so much!

Posted by CocoavineI know this feeling

Posted by FrostyJimWhen the doorbell rings - but you aren't expecting company... []

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAre you ready for it?

Posted by AppleriverMy exact feelings…

Posted by Heather2367I need some of these.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyThat would be my answer too.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, not interested!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, not interested!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYou won’t see me!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s too hot!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s too hot!

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