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What do you guys like to do for fun? i just watch youtube all day lol and sleep.

codyMW 4 Feb 9
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jdubose Level 7 Mar 13, 2020

get out. hang with some people. even if it is just ok people... they might know some other people you might like very well.

chiara23k Level 7 Feb 22, 2020

I love reading, playing with my cats, and playing board games with my son. I also travel as much as I can. Not a big TV person.

Apunzelle Level 7 Feb 17, 2020

Boardgames, studying, walks, and Golden Girls or Murder She Wrote reruns.

Orly Level 5 Feb 9, 2020

I read and write online. I read politics, write politics, and listen to politics on the radio. In between I take naps. Three evenings a week I go to Planet Fitness and work up a big sweat. It's safe for introverts to go to the gym because no one speaks to you there.


Netflix, youtube, Final Fantasy XIV online, play with my cats

@codyMW The online version is a lot of fun. It can be addicting


Single homeowner with a small army of dogs, cats and birds. When I'm not working, I'm cleaning or doing yard work-what is spare time?

EricJones Level 8 Feb 9, 2020

I watch youtube and play video games and sleep. I used to draw and do crafts, but depression is a hell of a thing.

Kynlei Level 8 Feb 9, 2020

I write. I'm currently writing my sixth novel and editing my fifth one.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 9, 2020

@codyMW I love the Sci-fi genre. Book one, Mirror Effect (not published) was about a clone who didn't know she was a clone until another more advanced clone tried to kiill her. Book two, Veiled Stars is about an Ex-cop seeking revenge for the death of his daughter. Book Three, Measured Land, the son of a dictator finds out that the war that was keeping his mother's planets solvent was a falacy. Book four, Where The Stars Hang, a disabled SEAL turned astrophysicist finds an alien artifact in a meteorite and learns of another alien more deadly alien race and seeks to protect Earth. Book five, The Silence, an alien bounty hunter is sent to collect the galaxy's deadliest operative. Book six, Broken Silence, the second in the Silence series, the galaxy is in turmoil and it's a bounty hunter job to piece it back together.

@codyMW Check out my websites all my novels are available on Amazon.


Get a job!

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 9, 2020

He asked what you do for FUN not what you do because you have to.


I work 3 hours a day then come home to go into an evening of TV and movies, You Tube, Netfix and chill, social media in general, or other things involving political activism. I'm a man that can talk your leg off but I'm perfectly happy being alone. Maybe my 3 hours a day with the general public helps me to be almost a hermit. We do need interaction with others.

DenoPenno Level 9 Feb 9, 2020

Kayak and swim. Go on bird walks. Read. Go out with friends.

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