3 10

This little guy found a spot in my shop towel bucket. I left him in the bucket and took him out to the garage, hopefully he will more on. I've got to start making sure the door is closed when I go out to the fish pond.

glennlab 10 Apr 13
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What animal is it?

It's a baby opossum, when they get this big momma sends them on their way, Up until then, they ride in her pouch or on her back as they grow older


Thank you. I have only seen dead opossums beside the highway. Road kill.

@LiterateHiker They are very slow moving so they are huge targets for drivers. My dog used to 'kill' the same one most nights during the summer. Their main defense is to go catatonic, then release a horrible musk smell. most animals will leave them alone once the musk comes out. They revive then continue on their way.



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 13, 2022


Now that I don't have a dog, there is a chance this one will make it to adulthood. opossums look really knarly as adults, but are cute when little. They dig in my compost, keeping it turned and they eat ticks and other insects.

@glennlab I hope the little fella is lucky then.

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Posted by glennlabThis little guy found a spot in my shop towel bucket.

Posted by glennlabThis little guy found a spot in my shop towel bucket.

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