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I don't know if bugs constitute as wildlife but I moved to Florida a year ago and I have quite a group of huge hornet that fly around in my backyard. I looked online and they're called cicada killer hornet. the female burrows down into the ground 4 feet and lays her eggs and the male stay above ground flying around trying to protect her. Then they go out and kill cicadas by stinging them to death and then they drag it down into the nest for the female to feed. I was petrified of these things when I first saw them because they're about two and a half inches long. But yesterday I witnessed nature in action. Watched the male hornet kill a cicada on my deck. The males will not sting unless really provoked or they're afraid they're going to die. So I sit on my back deck with 10 of these things flying around me. The behavior is very similar to a carpenter bee because they hover like a helicopter and make sudden movement. I just thought I'd share because it's quite a sight to see and I'm glad I was able to experience it first hand. It probably won't be the last one I see this year. maybe someone else out there has had experience with these Hornets

hipchick57 7 July 8
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Good for you realizing the value of insect wildlife. So important in the balance which humans are disrupting. Enjoy the show & enjoy learning about invertebrates. A whole world of discovery is awaiting you.

Mooolah Level 8 July 9, 2018

I have Cicada Killer Wasps yearly.
They terrify my neighbors.
But It is not accurate to call them hornets. Hornets, Yellow jackets and Paper Wasps all belong to one family (Polistes) and are social. Polistes wasps will defend their nests. Cicada Killers are in another family (Crabronidae) and are not social. They do not defend their nests (death chambers), and will just fly away if disturbed.
It is fun to watch the males fighting over the females in Summer.

Leafhead Level 8 July 9, 2018

without bugs, there would be no other wildlife so yes they are a huge part


I’m familiar with that hornet but never had the pleasure of witnessing that behavior.

skado Level 9 July 8, 2018
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