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The curse of La Llorona

zorialoki 8 Aug 25
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That was the story told to us as kids so we could behave! So those kids better behave or La Llorona is going to get them! Lol

I remember those stories also. They are making a horror movie about her to be out in 2019

@zorialoki oh wow! I'm sure that will be a hilarious movie! I can't watch horror movie's I find them too comical

@MichelleGar1 Many of them are rather camp, there are some that are suspenseful and rather good

@zorialoki far and few in between!

@MichelleGar1 True


New Mexico is a really fucked up place.

GuyKeith Level 8 Aug 25, 2018

Probably not any more than anywhere else.

@zorialoki really is. Low income, soaring crime rate...lots of problem.s

@GuyKeith Local and state govt. suck, and that doesn't help. We do have a lot of good things going for us, and a park where one can drown their kids and blame it on a ghost

@zorialoki I didn't realize that you lived in NM. I drove thru Las Cruses once. Lots of beef cattle. LOTS!

@GuyKeith Those were probably the university, this area is mostly farming: chile, pecans, cotton, onion. I actually live in the city that has that park

@GuyKeith The name of the park is not that surprising after they had already named a HS after Juan de Oñate, one of the most blood thirsty of the Conquistadors


Someone was thinking eh?

After the movie comes out next year this park will probably be booming

Not an excess of thinking this century.

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