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Hope everyone has the type of New Year's Eve that they prefer / want / like .
An annoying reminder , people will be drinking and eventually leave the gathering places to return home .
Be safe , don't overestimate your abilities and those of others . Ain't worth the loss .
Health and smiles to all ???

Pralina1 9 Dec 31
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That's what Uber and Lyft are for. I'm using one of them tonight!


Thanks for the New Year's wish & the timely reminder...good any time of year! All the best, y'all!

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 31, 2018

I'm going to do what i do most New Years, stay in and try to stay safe. Probably have a couple of drinks, and go to bed. More fun to either go to an overnight (hotel type) where you can walk to your room after the party or to celebrate quietly than to get on the road with all the drunks.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 31, 2018

Sorry. Got invited to a party gonna stay out until the sunrises.

Mokvon Level 8 Dec 31, 2018

Have fun ?

@Pralina1 Thanks in San Antonio so I should be over the top.

@Mokvon I used to live there 5 lives ago . There is a comedy dual piano bar down at river walk , howl at the moon " or something . In fact I had a New Year's Eve there once ?Have fun and be safe ?

@Pralina1 still there. I don't go to the riverwalk. To tourist oriented. Thank just the same.

@MissKathleen thank you as well


Staying my ass at home.
Hope you have a good one!

KKGator Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

Home as well , will kiss Mr Marcello and Diego boy . The best !

@Pralina1 Her Royal Cuteness will get a kiss. Even if she's snoring when I give it to her.

@KKGator oh ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Your best friend ! Thank your for showing me , I love her already ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Muah !!!!!!

@Pralina1 She's a hot mess, and she's old and grumpy--like her mama!
But she's been with me through thick and thin, for going on 13 years.
She is the joy of my life.
I may have rescued her in 2006, but she's rescued me back, every day, ever since.

@KKGator I feel every word u just typed . Every damn word . My life ?

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