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At least the people who actually think it's clever

OldMetalHead 9 Dec 27
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Yup and perpetual Virgin

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 27, 2021

I concur, Let's go Brandon!!!.

For wishing and setting up destruction for all those American unvaccinated families to their deaths of living like social outcast and disease criminals.

Mutations and variants have out smarted themselves. Now we have Omicron that attacks 80% of the Vaccinated, must be bio organisms revenge.

Who’s your Kool-aid dealer? BD Air?

As for the unvaccinated, they are proud to be treated as “social outcasts “ and “diseased criminals”. It feeds into their “persecution” narrative. Which feeds into their retaliation response.


I'm a pure blood naturalpath. Don't accept any coolaid from snythic planedemic pharmaceutical science or the greatest murdererer of them all Banks and State over the last 100 years. Have a good handful of true love ones. If the narrative love their toxic food, drugs and love their vaccines Russia rollete lethal injection. Then hate the other 100s of million side effects. Then hate the Greater other half of people in the world who are not fully vaccinated with a many times healthier record of health for covid deaths. Like Europe has 12 times more covids deaths than Aftrca per capita. And 8 times greater vaccinated. There is your health model along with Africa having a better economy growth rate.

Or stick with the worlds most dangerous addiction, your greedy slave master.

Slow Joe can't tell Americans (ethically or science fictionally) that vaccines are 100% safe and unvaccinated cases cause 99% of the covid deaths. Fattest and most dangerous lies I ever heard since Hitler speeches. Totalitarianism have to do better than that, when survival rate is 99.98. from covid deaths.
When Africa continents has nearly 4 times the US population, US has nearly 4 times the covid deaths than Africa. With US having 7 times greater vaccinated rate. With Africa economy growth better than the US . You think Biden would take notes from Africa or Asian doing much better with lower covids deaths and economy growth. How low can Americans go begging to be slaves Then worshipping greedy addicted masters where the majority do not belong to that club.

Sound like Africa with only one variant having freedoms from mutations and many variants growing faster than useless vaccines they experiment on guinea pig humans because all the lab animals are dead from it


Yeah, like the twat who said it to POTUS on the NORAD call!

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