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MEME COMPETITION. Creativity challenge.
OK you meme makers... please caption your best Meme text into this picture. Lets see who can create the funniest meme with this one!

MrLink 8 June 2
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Turn to the book of Armaments, 1:1
"And the Lord sayeth, 'Lock and load one 30 round magazine; rotate the selector from safe to semi; get a good sight picture ....'


Why are they called nuns?

Ain't never got nun,
Ain't gonna get nun.

Bakunin Level 7 June 3, 2018

Goin' to Planned Parenthood, are you??!!??

phxbillcee Level 10 June 3, 2018

Atheist hunting season just opened!
Ok, class! Open your catechisms to page...

Or, just a couple of crazy ones...


Can't think cause photo leaves me feeling too conflicted

Rudy1962 Level 9 June 3, 2018


I gotta admit that ammosexual nun is pretty hot

@ghost_warlock that's the problem

@Rudy1962 Hey, that's Me! I wanted the nun done.

@Rudy1962, @ghost_warlock oh yeah. She's a spanker, too.

@MrLink oops and lol


No, you're going to turn the water into wine... Just like the book says

MrLink Level 8 June 2, 2018

He did what to you?!! Let's go find Father Brown.

thislife Level 7 June 2, 2018

They told her to 'turn the other cheek,' but she was having nun of it

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