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Proof of an infinite Universe - I know the Universe had no beginning because you can't create or destroy space, space just is. So we know there was no beginning to the Universe. However many scientist only believe in what they see with the most powerful telescopes. My belief is that the Universe extends forever, it has to, no matter what is beyond what we can see, we should know logically that it can not end - space, both empty and occupied space continues forever. Why is this concept not universally accepted? Its not a new idea, Aristotle argued the same thing.

gater 7 Apr 19
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I joined Mensa in two of the five large cities I’ve lived it. IME, Mensans MAY BE socially retarded, perhaps for good reason. In school they didn’t enjoy talking with the kids they knew (last week’s football game, hot cars, etc) and pursued their own interests. I am of course describing myself.

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 17, 2019

In my somewhat informed opinion, the Big Bang is a big fraud.

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yvilletom Level 8 Aug 12, 2019

You're right - the BBT is false based on a flawed belief that time can stop.


Whoa! Wait a minute. "Proof" of an infinite Universe? Science doesn't deal in absolutes or proofs of any kind and I know of no scientists who "believe" what is observed. We know better than that. We are frequently fooled by what we see as opposed to what is. Roger Penrose has some interesting ideas on the subject, but first we need to look at how it is that we think with some surety that the Universe is flat. To do that, I'll resort to videos and articles to save space.



This is not a simple problem with a "logical" or intuitive answer, and the implications of any of the assumptions that can be made about the Universe are incredible. I suggest that if you think you have an answer, that it is incumbent upon you to make it known to mankind so that we can move on to the next of the imponderables. So, do you have an answer that can be supported by both experiment and observation?

I know logically the Universe extends forever - it has to, regardless of what is out there it has to extend forever. No way around this fact. No beginning - extends forever.

In the 1st video the guy starts off by saying we can weigh the Universe - false - the Universe is infinite - can not be weighed.

@gater -- That sounds nice, but it tells us nothing. What evidence has led to this logic you're talking about? What foundation is your thinking built upon?

@evidentialist well its really very simple - there is no possibility that the Universe is finite. Because space continues forever. This is something that you'll never discover with a telescope - this requires logic and imagination.

@evidentialist I think part of the problem is that scientists limit themselves by what they can see and prove. They will never see the entire Universe - does that mean it isn't infinite? - no - that just means it can't be proven by using the typical scientific method - however I believe it can be proven, with logic.

@gater -- It also doesn't mean it is infinite. As I see it, making the assertion you made is akin to believing in god(s) and saying you know they exist because they must. Logic is fine, and putting forth an hypothesis based upon the logic is a valid thing, but to make an absolute assertion is not. All of us "scientists" can and do accede to the notion that space may be infinite. There is a big difference between that and the flat statement that it is infinite. Do you see what I'm getting at here? You have no proof. You have an idea.

@evidentialist no - its all true - there can not be any other way. The "Universe" they talk about is just what we can see, and they came up with Big Bang - fine. However the true Universe must extend forever, and its always been that way. Infinity and Eternity are both true concepts - and that is what the Universe is - infinite space that has always been.


I always think that somehow time factors into this equation. If time is non-linear.... yup.

That's about as far as I get.

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 19, 2018

Unless you're not a "believer" in quantum mechanics, Einstein-Rosen bridges ("black holes" ) and EPR "worm holes" expand infinitely at the speed of light. If the universe is not "forever," infinitely expanding is pretty damn big!

BurtsTime Level 6 Apr 19, 2018

Infinity does not expand, theres no where to expand to.

@gater not expanding infinity, infinitely expanding.

again there is nothing to expand if its already infinite

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