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Hi! I'm from Loxley, near Mobile!

Frogpanties 4 June 14
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Will you be going to the nearby Mobile Mari Gras?

I've tried to talk my insignificant and temporary spouse into going. She thinks there will be wild drunken naked guys EVERYWHERE.

On the other hand (where there is five fingers and a thumb), I used to go when I lived in Pensacola, FL. To me it was way too family friendly. Never saw a wild drunken naked guy. Did learn the chant "Bubba wanta moon pie, moon pie, moon pie pie."


Hi! How r u?

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Posted by PirateSquirrelBack in the Bible Belt. I'm a liberal progressive atheist. I fit right in!!!

Posted by RegJoe222Avondale atheist. I’m down with hanging out. 420, and Red Mountain Cotton Gin friendly.

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