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Well, will be leaving for the Harris/Dillahunty talk soon, on the news was a report that Lawrence Krauss has accusations of "inappropriate behavior" being leveled against him, I think at ASU, so he won't be there, as originally scheduled. Fingers crossed for the other two!

phxbillcee 10 Feb 23
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It was still a good evening. Sam & Matt addressed the Krauss issue right away, as it was obviously the "elephant in the room". They seemed a bit uncomfortable at first, explaining how everyone got together in how to arrange this. Harris was obviously not enamored of the original BuzzFeed piece but stressed support for victims. They then segued to #MeToo & then ultra-Pc found on many college campuses. Things then went in a more expected direction on a number of subjects & I found it an engaging & interesting conversation. The usual Q&A followed, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to the mike before time was called to ask my "Free Will" query to both of them, as there has been, if not disagreement, but differences in their stances. Maybe another time, as I would surely attend again, hopefully without the distractions this one had.
I will add one more thing, I've almost always enjoyed & been edified listening to either of these two speak, whether podcasts or YT videos, but tho Harris is very articulate & erudite, Dillahunty seems to have a much more "ready" sense of humor & seems to relate better to the crowd. No judgment here, just an observation.

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 24, 2018

I don't admire Matt Dillahunty as much as I used to, but he is one of the most underrated intellectual figures ever. The guy changed my life for sure.

@Honestape Why the change in "admiration"?

@phxbillcee I think he's condescending to and aggressive towards people he doesn't have to be. I like him otherwise.


Some details...


BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 23, 2018

doesn't sound good, but I hope Krauss comes forward soon with something.

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Posted by kdmomI appreciated this thought that Sam posted today.

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Posted by CommunityTomSaw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.

Posted by phxbillceeAnother quote...

Posted by phxbillceeWell, when he's right, he's right...

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Posted by BeeHappyClearly makes his point!

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