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A challenge from a contributer from this site who is a teacher of English Literature. Would you be prepared to teach her science?. See my reply following the challenge to me

@Mcfluwster thanks, but I see no need to teach science in a literature class. However, in one of my grad courses, we read Dr. J and Mr. Hyde and we do discuss how advances in science in the Victorian era affected the work. Dr. J. used science to concoct the potion which turned him into Mr. Hyde--it was not a magic potion. Evolution comes into play and also, Lombroso's outdated methods of deducting who is a criminal and who is not.

Students in the composition classes I now teach are not assigned a full essay and there is little opportunity to even write about science.

Writing an essay requires factual support for all claims regardless of the topic. There is no room for using personal opinion for supporting a claim/argument. Asking searching questions is key--even lit papers begin with a research question.

After all, do science teachers seek to incorporate/teach literature in class?

MY Reply follows

Actually what is more important to all teaching processes is which teaching subject is the most basic. Lots of teachers WOULD say english and Maths but if you have a real problem you will solve it in your own language even if it is sign language and people generally avoid problems with numbers in. I want all people to do basic science all the time . You need only your mind and five senses. Everyone can already do it but it is not ENHANCED.

What would be my first science lesson for you? Listening to someone simulating old english. Write an essay comparing the changes over time

Mcfluwster 7 Apr 4
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I did not issue you a challenge. What you want people to do does not mean that they have to do it nor that what you want people do to is always feasible.

I am not going to defend my position.

And do not copy paste what I write to share in another forum to further your cause. You have blown this out of proportion.

I took it as a friendly challenge because you made your views very clear on the first quote page.

I am very sorry if you feel offended .

I hope we can discuss my point perhaps privately for just a couple of exchanges and no further obligation.

Sorry again

@Mcfluwster no, thanks. I clearly stated in my points in the other discussion and have nothing more to say on them.

Reply to Gwen_Wanderer

@Gwen_Wanderer Once again I apologise .I have no wish to alter your very firm views.

All I will sya now is that discussion relieves and banashes misconceptions

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