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I am particularly interested in letting each child have a Eureka surprise moment of their own in any field which affects their confidence. i.e It need not be learning something in a laboratory or classroom but it must be personal and develop the appreciation of science method.Is "The science fair" the only way of achieving this in the USA? I started as a CBA( Chemical Bond Approach - American scheme) and spent most of my teaching as a Nuffield (UK Foundation)Teacher. Age range taught 11-18(scholarship) ;comprehensive( state) grammar(state) and private (None state) plus private tuition.

Mcflewster 8 Mar 26
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I always followed Neil postman. I had a very good science teacher who really emphasized the strength of the testing a model continuously. Trusting anything on someone's word is where everything goes very wrong.But if you continuously model and test it, then its obvious soon thereafter. Especially as to why engineering is so valuable. Discovery method of learning always had issues in educational history. But ultimately any decentralized self learning model will face issues. Where as a centralized model will simply say students failed to learn it.

argo Level 4 Apr 19, 2018

You certainly seem to have the right idea and obviously somethings go to your science teacher. Now how do we spread this good practice to everyone else? Any links you can post on here would be very useful. The issues with discovery methods I think can be overcome by the particular materials and object including words upon which the science method can be applied . For example do you think a teenager could use scientific method to tidy his/her room?

Just looked up Neil Postman in wiki
"In his 1992 book Technopoly: the Surrender of Culture to Technology, Postman defines "Technopoly" as a society which believes "the primary, if not the only, goal of human labor and thought is efficiency, that technical calculation is in all respects superior to human judgment ... and that the affairs of citizens are best guided and conducted by experts."

... don't agree with this at all .
1 I would have thought that the primary goal should be happiness but I agree that many people do not notice how unhappy rich, technological focussed on improvement, people are. Bill Gates only became happy when he focussed on wider humanity
2. "Technological calculations" surely is a tool that any sort of person (with paid for help) can use to enhance the rest of society.
3. "Best guided by experts" Experts have their uses but their judgements are as faulty as those of anyone else. The affairs of citizens are best handled by the citizens themselves with help from a multitude of empathetic humans.

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