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"Amature" human here. Thereby a teacher by default.

Avid, lifelong, reader, science and science fiction. And have been surrounded by science teachers, researchers, workers, and dance artists, and many other such types of dudes,..

A friend has built detectors for the local cyclotron for like nearly 40 years.

Recently, read a few articles about how we should be teaching math:::

We should teach about what we are measuring before we teach how to measure. My mother-in-law was a life long math teacher. One of her main lessons was estimating the height of a real tree.

I am also sure, as music is to math, the manipulative arts (visual and sculptural) are to science.

PS::: Girls and boys learn different subjects at different ages. Segregation by gender, and ability, should be a strategy for supporting learning.

JacarC 8 Apr 29
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Welcome - sorry for the delay. Your wide experience could be very useful. I first heard the phrase

"All science is mathematics" from a mentally ill (schitzo) chap in confinement in a hospital. Made me think.

Mcflewster Level 8 Aug 17, 2018

I should let you know that I am a mixed ability teaching . I agree with research into abilities under separate investigations , but only to assist in the balanced formation of mixed ability groups. The creation of "sink" groups although they do not always happen is a constant danger when you institute streaming.

@Mcflewster Thank you for the comments. way too much non-science/politically-correct/completely-ignorant crap is used to direct the education of children. segregation by age is one of the worst. Girls and boys together is another. Lack of all the arts (music, dance, role-play, expressional picturing,...) leads to all kinds of attempts to "correct" the established expectations which have repeatedly been demonstrated are impossible to achieve.
well, don't get me started.

@Jacar Well actually I am glad that I might have got you started and can only hope that you widen your audience.

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