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Beginner's Guide to the Electric Universe — Glossary

We’ve just begun our work on this glossary with lots of room for contributions from others.




Gravity-centric: Today’s standard theories in astronomy consider gravity to be the primary driving force of the universe, with electricity playing a relatively minor role in local events and no role at all on the grander scale. This “gravity-centric” view leaves standard cosmologists no choice but to invoke hypothetical black holes, dark matter, neutron stars, and other new physics to explain the intensely energetic events we now observe in space.

Paradigm: A paradigm is a broad interpretation or “world view,” often encompassing a wide range of theories that share an underlying principle. The Electric Universe paradigm differs from more conventional approaches by its emphasis on electrical connectivity. In this view, everything from vast galactic “islands” in space down to the cellular constituents of living systems is connected electrically to larger contexts, revealing a more unified substructure of the natural world.

Plasma: In the visible universe, plasma is the most common state of matter, and all objects in the universe move through a sea of plasma. Though similar in some ways to a gas, plasma is partially ionized. Freely moving charged particles give it a unique ability to conduct electric currents. Often called the fourth state of matter—after solids, liquids and gasses—plasma behaves much differently from a neutral gas. Electric currents in plasma create magnetic fields that confine and shape plasma activity. In this way the electric force can organize elaborate cosmic structures while also provoking the intense electromagnetic emissions now revealed by today’s advanced telescopes.

Ionization: When subjected to heat, electromagnetic radiation, or voltage difference, atoms can lose or gain electrons. In this way, atoms are broken down into negatively and positively charged particles or ions. It is the presence of dissociated electrons and positive ions in a gas that defines an electrically conductive plasma. Discovery of the plasma universe has opened the door to discovery of the Electric Universe.

yvilletom 8 Oct 22
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What analysis can you perform? What physics can you explain? Gravity does seem to work, predicting phenomena ranging from flight of projectiles to planetary system orbital mechanics. It MIGHT require more things at cosmic scales but you first need to reproduce results in the solar system and your back yard. BTW, The earth is not flat.

Detritus Level 7 Oct 23, 2021

Bob, Terry Pratchett put it well with “The trouble is you can shut your eyes but you can’t shut your mind.”

@Detritus Gravity requires matter. Compare the solar system’s density with the density of galactic space.


Do the numbers stack up?

Coffeo Level 8 Oct 23, 2021

The EU’s “numbers stack up” without anyone’s having to invent dark matter, dark energy, neutron stars, black holes, inflation, a fusion-powered sun, special or general relativity, curved space, a Higgs boson, gravitational waves, CMBR, etc.

@yvilletom So where are these numbers? I read plenty of words, but I don't see the calculations.

@Coffeo Start at [] where you’ll see several titles.

Keep in mind that mathematics is not physics and that mathematics or theoretical physics do not require the use of the scientific method.

@yvilletom Well, I'm not sure if I'd find the book convincing, and since I can't find out without buying it, I guess I'll never know. But I wasn't impressed by the blurb.

@Coffeo If you had read carefully at the site, you would have seen the bar menu where you can click on “Download PDF or buy”.

@yvilletom It wasn't clear that the download was free. So 'buy' meant a printed copy? I'll take a look at the PDF when I have a bit of time. Thank you for drawing that to my attention. I'm really trying to be open-minded, but it's a struggle. Is there any discussion of stellar evolution? I guess I'll find out when I read it.

@Coffeo LeMaitre intended his fraudulent use of one of Hubble’s two hypotheses to serve a religious purpose. Today’s Bangers ignore Hubble’s second hypothesis and wrongly say he said the universe is expanding.

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