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Exciting times.... Looks like our astronomer friends missed one as close as a 6th of the distance closer than Cygnus X-1!

"The closest black hole to the solar system ever spotted may be just 1,000 light-years away. This newfound dark neighbor is at least 4.2 times as massive as the sun, and lives with two ordinary stars whose funny orbits gave the black hole’s presence away, astronomer​s report May 6 in Astronomy & Astrophysi​cs."


SergeTafCam 5 May 11
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Only a thousand light years away? That means in the year 1020 it could have blown up...and we still wouldn't have observed it yet.

Robecology Level 9 May 11, 2020

Cool. Saw the article last week. Thanks

t1nick Level 8 May 11, 2020

It's in the telescopium constellation.... Apparently the two orbiting stars are visible to the naked eye. Should start to be visible between 2 am and 4 am. [Edit: Telescopium is a constellation in the southern sky. You need to be at 33°N or lower to be able to observe it from the northern hemisphere....]

We see neither gods nor black holes but authorities say they exist.

@yvilletom - The image attached to this reply is my favorite image of the milky way. Though we may not be able to directly observe black holes, just as we are not able to directly observe the quarks that compose nuclides, we have evidence for both. In this image, an Radio Frequency snapshot of our galaxy, we see evidence of savage forces that give high sigma evidence for the existence of a black hole at the core of our galaxy. []

I do apologize if your sensitivities are offended by the following statement, but please know that the postulation, hypotheses, and processes required by the scientific method, particularly for cosmological/astronomical observations, have a strong foundation in physics and mathematical methodologies and techniques.

I sincerely hardly see the parallels that you are trying to draw by stating that "authorities say they exist". I would strongly recommend that you reconsider your position on drawing such parallels when it comes to the topic of black hole, and cosmological studies.

The observed galactic bubbles in the image are likely "the result of a huge eruption from our galaxy's supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*. Millions of years ago that eruption would have punched into the interstellar medium in opposite directions from the supermassive black hole."


@SergeTafCam I see nothing in your comment that offends my sensibilities.

I intend no offense when I say my parallel makes clear that the scientific method requires more than an authority; it requires a testable hypothesis and empirical tests of the hypothesis.

@yvilletom - "the scientific method requires more than an authority; it requires a testable hypothesis and empirical tests of the hypothesis." - I completely agree. In fact, I look forward for other hypotheses that may lead to additional empirical tests that may continue to give us such awesome imagery!! 😉

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