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Not too long ago I had the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of a peacock's feather.
I used a polarizer to fix the polarization.... a good way to prove that the colors you see are due to iridescent effects of light scattering from the plumage.....

One great way to see this is the looking for the color blue in both pictures.... one has it.... the other doesn't. How can that be? I'll leave it a mystery for now, but will post it in the comments in the coming days for those of you who are curious..... hopefully someone will beat me to it.... 😉

Looking forward to someone commenting on the actual color of the peacock's feathers, sans iridescent effects......

Here's a hint. 🙂

SergeTafCam 5 May 16
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As I understand it, there is no blue coloring in bird feathers. If you crush the feather, the blue hue is actually black & doesn't remain blue. Now try & explain that.

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 16, 2020

But I see blue in both pictures.. Am I misunderstanding something?

There is a hint of blue in both pictures. I was just pointing out the color changed from a deep blue to a greenish - teal color from that deep blue.

@SergeTafCam Aaah.... gotchya..


Hummingbirds also have iridescent feathers. One wonders if this adaptation began with dinosaurs.

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Posted by SergeTafCamNot too long ago I had the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of a peacock's feather.

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