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A method using stem cells for spinal injuries has been accelerated from animals to human trials in Japan. This could yield very promising results.

Stem cells are potentially the nirvana for tissue rejuvenation and repair.


Lukian 8 Aug 3
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But a sin according to the evangelicals who state it it is playing god. They might change their mind if it happened to them but until then they will oppose it. We are loosing the lead in so many areas because of the republican opposition to science and medicine. They are guilty of a crime against humanity in this matter.

Marine Level 8 Aug 4, 2018

kind of a dark ages revival.... when theist ruled the world.

@Lukian Yes


This is a huge win if they can get it perfected. Could mean all kinds of things for betterment of a lot of lives.


I love this so much. It's about time.

Anonbene Level 8 Aug 3, 2018

It's certainly worth exploring as long as preliminary results aren't used to exploit desperate and vulnerable people. I wonder what are the potential side effects.

pixiedust Level 8 Aug 3, 2018

I doubt the vulnerable would be exploited here. This is Japan.

@Lukian But the ideas spread and, often, positive indications are hailed long before practical applications are proven. As you say, Japan is not likely to exploit vulnerable people with less than effective stem cell treatments. It does happen in Mexico, though, from what I overheard in my eye care clinic.

@pixiedust I understand where you're getting at now. I don't know what to say.

@Lukian Nothing to be said. It's people like us who can spread facts and skepticism where it might prevent harm. 🙂

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