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Hi, all! I'm looking for some recent studies debunking the correlation between the full moon and negative human behaviours and mental health. I want to have a customer service training video edited to remove the section on being prepared for the full moon. Can anyone help?

Sigh. Too late. I got the corporate response It stared with "My observations are from dealing directly with all people over a 20+ year career with the Police Service."

We all know about false positives, confirmation bias and remembering only what we expect to observe, but they're a hard sell when an idea is entrenched.

Oh well, I tried. (I need hugs.)

pixiedust 8 Oct 16
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There is not a debunk. But there is no correlation between full moon and behavior. If there are problems happening on the night involving a full moon, it could very well be because people can see where they are going at night. I have worked and people remark on the full moon resulting in problems. I have not noticed any difference and I call BS on people that do.

alanalorie Level 7 Oct 27, 2018

Well you tried. Not your fault people in position don't care enough to stop ignorance.

Mokvon Level 8 Oct 16, 2018

Well, they're still looking into it, but ... {shrugs} The myth was long in the making so will be long in the shaking.

@pixiedust my career is in the medical field and many still ask if "the moon is full" on night when patient are agitated more then usual.

@Mokvon Does not surprise me.



Lukian Level 8 Oct 16, 2018

Thank you. Some days, banging my head on a granite cliff seems less painful than communicating.



My personal experience with the moon lunacy belief occurred years ago when I was working my way through university as a nurse aid in care homes. In one place, in particular, the vast majority of the permanent staff firmly believed in the effect of the moon on their patients. My observation? Nothing changed, except for one young man who deliberately used the full moon as an excuse to get up to mischief knowing he could get away with much more on those days. He was quite funny and sometimes discussed his plans with me. He even had a few nurses he specifically targeted and would laugh his head off when they left his room. (I really liked him.)

Otherwise, I occasionally noticed that some patients' genuine needs were ignored because it was 'just the moon' and they would 'get over it'.

pixiedust Level 8 Oct 16, 2018

@TheMiddleWay Yep!

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