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Anyone here use climate modeling programs? Which ones and for what?

Marz 7 Nov 5
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I'm not a PhD, but worked for Texas Instruments in the early 70's, when they were building a super computer (ASC) and the a weather service was looking for a faster computer. Their pitch went something like this.

We model the world weather as an array of 6x100x100 (small numbers back then, but don't remember exactly). If we want to double the number of points, we need a computer twice as powerful. We only calculate events with six decades of with a year being the zeroth decade (10^0) and 10^5 being the fastest, which is about a tenth of a second. The interaction of electrons within rain drops is many decades faster, and each decade means we need computers ten times faster. We will always need the fastest computers. Does anyone know the current map granularity and event speeds modeled?

EdEarl Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

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