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Nothing more fun than science at home

What you are seeing here is an example of solargraphy; a pinhole photographic technique using long exposures and photosensitive paper. This technique is commonly used to track the movement of the Sun across as landscape, as is the case in these 4 images.

Here we have solargraphs taken from different latitudes across Europe, for a period of around 120 days in late autumn and winter. These images demonstrate effectively that the Sun traverses the sky at different elevations dependent on latitude. We can note that the elevation of the Sun pathways in Bodo, Norway (approx. 67 degrees north) and Oslo, Norway (approx. 60 degrees north) are quite close to the horizon. Contrastingly, the solar paths for Ondrejov, Czech Republic (50 degrees north) and for Palma de Mallorca, Spain (approximately 39 degrees north) are much higher in the sky.

Image courtesy of Maciej Zapior

If you want to make a solargraph here are easy instructions: []

Lukian 8 Dec 12
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I've heard them talk of doing this on Skeptics Guide. Those are nice pictures of it.


Very cool. Thanks for sharing

paul1967 Level 8 Dec 12, 2018

and very doable. No special equipment. I'll have to try this.

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