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Good morning, guys. I wanted to ask some of the maths, stats, or anyone with the knowledge/experience smarties here about a concept I am trying to get down. I need to compare concentration-time profiles to each other (very low n=4) Each dataset has about 7 points and is dependent on time. I need to figure out if one set or a point in that set is an outlier. I so far tried box-plot, Q-test in GraphPad, and just vizual plotting. I found some papers indicating use of correspondence analysis, chi-square (did not work for me), and Andrews method. Based on Q-test of the slopes of the curves (log-transformed) there is no outlier, but I would like to get another opinion. In my possession I have graphPad, R-Studio, Sigma-Plot, and Excel of course. The easiest thing to do would be to include the fourth profile in my PK analysis, but TBH I want to practice in finding ways to evaluate whole profile outliers. Any takers? I will be very much grateful for any links, pdfs, and general advice. Oh, and my "stats for scientists and engineers" textbook doesn't even have a mention of this, so I am very disappointed lol

Blizzard 7 Feb 15
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Hello! Were you able to solve this issue? Finding an outlier among four data sets wouldn't be easy unless you could visually see the outlier. Four data points don't give you a good idea of the variance of your system. If you already know the variance, you might be able to find the outlier

Spongebob Level 7 May 25, 2019

I never did study much statistics so I will hand this over to those with that gift. It sounds interesting though!

Thanks for trying though!


Hi guys, I just joined this group, I'm not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination. I am self educated and

paul1967 Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

and?.....don't leave me hanging.

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