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No, his DNA did not change 7%

I'm really glad someone finally spoke up. The amount of misinformation and sensationalistic reporting is appalling to say the least.

I've seen the same reports, the same flood of overshared links, and I just don't have the energy to get into it and keep repeating myself, thread after thread, post after post, all across social media. I mean, who am I to argue with all those experts, right?

Drink lots of water. It's a bitter pill to swallow.


ScienceBiker 8 Mar 16
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Typical sloppy science reporting. Even the NYT got it wrong.

chicagojcb Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

It is a typical media event that makes the reader interested without knowing all the facts.

Marine Level 8 Mar 18, 2018

Stephen Hawking talks about this in a brief history of time. Identical twins would no longer be identical because one would age slower if they were in space, etc. When I saw the title I assumed it was an exaggeration to get people to read the article. I'm not sure how people think someone's actual DNA can change. Facets of it sure but the actual DNA...? Unless space radiation affected it negatively....



Thank you for shedding light on this!

Shaun50401 Level 2 Mar 17, 2018

Interesting. Sounded all exciting with the elongated telomeres and all but then "his telomeres shrank once he returned to earth". I was hoping being shot into space was going to turn into a medical treatment for a minute.

@ScienceBiker eh like they said, lots of things can elongate telomeres and it was likely the lifestyle necessitated by being in space that caused the change. Probably get the same effect by exercising and eating healthy. Still, it'd be neat to have a "this person needs to be shot into space" prescription from your doctor.

@ScienceBiker probably not. Boooo

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