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Am interested in people's opinion on the current state of the review process. Maybe it's just the discipline I follow? Seems like sometimes in recent papers published in fairly credible journals, the conclusions don't match the data, and the methods are poor, and the statistical methods are obscure and amount to data dredging. Once some reviewers admitted to me that they don't have time to read the papers and just accept them based on the researchers previous work. Is this pervasive?

CrazyQuilter 7 May 16
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I don' know about now, but when I was in research, my supervisor was an editor and the review process was rigorous.

I think that it depends on the journal.


It is getting more difficult to determine what is fact and what is propaganda

Marine Level 8 May 16, 2018

This is a problem. Relying on p-value.

Lukian Level 8 May 16, 2018

@CrazyQuilter pardon me if my questioning is too basic since I lack details. Does your study generate a lot of number data or observational? Are you affiliated to a university? Do you have a supervising body? have you presented your data with simple statistical test i.e. T-test? ANOVA? Do you have a null hypothesis?
If you have hard data, those can be statistically tested using a spreadsheet.

@CrazyQuilter I don't have a quick solution for you or maybe none at all. Let me think about this. I'll PM you if you don't mind.


It's an issue. The scientific field is pushed towards publishing more. Not to publish negative results. Trying to pursue the biggest impact factor and too many free/open somewhat legitimate digital publications. Reviewers are also swamped and can be bullied into accepting manuscripts. To name a few problems. It's getting worst and it's diminishing the integrity of the science in various fields. Nutrition to name one.

Lukian Level 8 May 16, 2018

@CrazyQuilter I sense your despair. I hope you still have the passion. Continue to advocate and keep the pressure. Take every little victory as energy to move forward. Find new allies in connected fields. One day, when everybody wakes up to this, YOU will become the summit in the field you help build. Apparently an overnight success is 10 years in the making.

@CrazyQuilter sorry to hear that. Dang!


I'll be upfront I haven't a clue about the process (not a scientist just love to learn shit ) but I know Ben Goldacre mentions it al lot on his website.

Simon1 Level 7 May 16, 2018

I heard this very issue in the news a few years ago.

bingst Level 8 May 16, 2018
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