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Any scientist here actually awake to the fraud of the medical establishment?

Ravenwolfcasey 7 May 29
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For years the AMA didn't stop smoking, even featuring doctors in Big Tobacco's ads.

Now, they are not promoting a healthy mostly plant-based diet free of additives, and regular exercise.
That should be the first thing patients experience at the doctors, they go to a doctor for their health.
Why not in an annual physical. We know the science.

And, the THIRD leading cause of death in the US in American Medical Treatment. That's right, just taki9ng drugs exactly the way you are supposed to, is the third leading cause of death.

Doctors like to point to the fact that lifespans have increased.

I would point out, the main things that have extended life spans, are adding chlorine, a poison to our drinking water, sanitation, sewers made a bigger difference.

Then, we have ONE drug that is responsible for most of the success of modern medicine, antibiotics.
The first war it was used in, was the first war more people died of weapons than infection.
Antibiotics made surgery, as we know it, generally safe.

But, because our medical system, big pharma is driven by profit, no one is developing the next generation antibiotics the world so urgently needs. The last big pharma company to work on it was Phiezer, and they were doing well, but it wasn't deemed profitable enough, so they closed the labs and lost the expertise.

There is only a handful of research, looking at alternatives, but nothing with the deep pockets and expertise and facilities of big pharma.

While Fleming himself warned the antibiotics should be used as rarely as possible, as a society,
we give 90% of antibiotics to our factory farmed animals and most patients with viral diseases
ask for and are given antibiotics.

This is the result of a capitalistic driven medical and big aggie businesses The logical consequences.

Evolution is real and proven. We are going to create our own superbug, which will be completely resistant to drugs. It will possibly wipe out most of the human race, except those with strong immune systems.

Any scientist, like myself, can see a plague beyond anything humanity has ever experienced is coming unless we develop the next generation of antibiotics and stop using antibiotics except when necessary.

Maestro Level 4 June 18, 2018

@Ravenwolfcasey I took part in the development of a novel anti-inflammatory drug for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It was being developed by Glaxo Smith Klein (very big pharma). The drug reached the controlled human trial stage, at which point it barely outperformed it's placebo group and caused unexplained dehydration in a number of test subjects. The drug was immediately scrapped after millions of pounds of development. That's my anecdote, thought I'd share it since that's what we seem to be doing here..


Yes, "Fraud" is too general here. There are specific frauds. My guess, and I can only guess, is that she is referring to the view that the medical "establishment" will squash anything that challenges its dominance. While there might be something to this argument if we saw the specifics, since we have not, we can't judge.

I would agree with the posters below who ask if it is more than in any other established profession. I would seriously doubt that and would want to see specific evidence for that charge to be substantiated.

marmot84 Level 7 May 30, 2018

To clarify I mean big pharma and Monsanto ..and other corrupt organizations who fudge results to their liking and hush up any results that would expose them and destroy their profit margins


There have been serious cases of fraud in the NHS; a group of nurses in Sheffield (I think it was) were caught faking prescriptions in order to obtain steroids which they subsequently sold online. Andrew Wakefield produced a fraudulent research paper that claimed a link between vaccines and autism... Serious frauds both.

Of course medical fraud isn't just limited to the NHS... Many would consider Deepak Chopra's early claims that meditation can arrest the aging process fraudulent, though he would argue that it's a sincerely held belief.


Please elaborate.

kensmile4u Level 8 May 29, 2018


Lukian Level 8 May 29, 2018

Please, provide specific examples with reliable sources

Blizzard Level 7 May 29, 2018

Here's a perfect example

@Ravenwolfcasey LOL it is not an example, it's a sensationalized old "fake news". Try reading Pubmed or Snopes, or anything other than inflammatory videos on youtube. There are multiple ways HIV can be tested. In less developed countries, ability and access to a good laboratory may not be possible, reagents may be expired. false positives and negatives happen with all testing.
Here is a link for you to explore if you would like : [] it has references to articles showing the procedure.
Good old wikipedia has information on various tests used to detect HIV. Which one is used depends on what's available at the time. [] It is by no means the best source there is, but it appears that you are not exactly proficient in the biology/microbiology field

Here are CDC guidelines for testing for HIV []

at the end of this article there are links to the papers used []

at last, here is the pubmed link with the search results for the most recent HIV related papers []

As someone who works in an analytical lab, I can tell how hard it is and how meticulous the work is. granted, I don't work with viruses, I have been exposed to immunofluorescence testing and PCR, and these all have their positives and negatives. Hearsay is not exactly a reliable source.

@ScienceBiker lol that's too funny and adorable

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