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Nazi Germany was a Christian movement. They seem to leave that part out a lot. 🤔🤫

yikes9o9 5 Jan 16
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Christianity like Islam use murder and killing in cold blood to justify their superiority and too hold surpreme dominion over 3 Billion individuals!


Funny how populist conservative Christianity will pretend they had nothing at all to do with right wing extremists even after the Capital building building terrorist attack on January 6th even though we have literally thousands of hours of TV evangelicals and Protestant ministers not only profoundly and incredulously upset that Trump lost but angry and convinced it was a trick by Satan and all but calling their followers to violence.
Personally I lay the bulk of the blame on Conservative North American Christianity Cult leaders.
They NEED to be Taxed, because they refuse to stay out of politics.


Look up Christian Dominionism.

It is what they want to return to.


A large part of Christianity has always been focusing on fear of the other. Jews had been the other for centuries in Europe, so the Holocaust was always a goal. It still is when Trump's Proud Boy followers chant "Jews will not replace us."

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 17, 2021

Yep, exactly.

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Posted by jeshueyWell doh!

Posted by KhaCRMy original profile got suspended and Idk why. Created another to keep sharing!

Posted by Wildgreens😂🤣😂🤣 Imaginary Jesus

Posted by WildgreensWhen you carry a Bible..🤣😂🤣 The devil gets a headache.. What if the devil is a SHE? I’m guessing everyone is entitled to have a wild imagination.🤣😂 Even if is nonsense. 🤣🤣

Posted by WildgreensChristianity

Posted by OldMetalHeadYeah. Tell me again how Neil is not an atheist

Posted by yikes9o9Nazi Germany was a Christian movement. They seem to leave that part out a lot. 🤔🤫

Posted by WildgreensI gave you free will..

Posted by jeshueyFrom me, to Y'all...

Posted by WildgreensThe very concept..

Posted by WildgreensThe Government

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Posted by jeshueyThe Lord does have a point...

Posted by WildgreensHey I just..

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Posted by TimeOutForMeNot afraid of imaginary friends/gods.

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