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I wish everywhere had Moais. Would you like it if they existed where you live?

In Okinawa, people form these groups-- usually of 5 people. People in the group commit to being lifelong friends. They do this from a young age, but I think it would be beneficial if we did it in the U.S.

silvereyes 8 Feb 10
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"What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured."

Kurt Vonnegut, Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage

@Stevil []


that is a good idea l think you asked a question about unhappiness in American society. I think a lot of it stems from mobility and fragmentation of the social networks we establish in our formative year.

btroje Level 9 Feb 10, 2018

I would have a difficult time finding four people that I have known since I was a kid who didn't turn into assholes.

JimG Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

In my experience committed relationships coalesce alot better around shared experiences and beliefs, which is why church works well for that kind of thing (little as I like to admit it).

I have some slight familiarity with the Okinawan culture, and I suspect that being confined on an island is part of why this works: they are all in the same shared experience, probably have a homogenous religion, etc. Also they don't have the "rugged individualist" tradition we have in the US. I've seen similar camaraderie in the Hawaiian islands, and on the island of Rhodes and on Symi, all of which I've been fortunate to spend time on.

I think Americans, Aussies, and others rattling around in very large countries have a bit of a challenge finding a sense of community and eluding a sense of alienation. You're less forced to get a long with others as a matter of survival, feel less like you have to tolerate differences.

mordant Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

Reminds me of the movie "sisterhood of the traveling pants". These girls were friends for life.
I consider my own friends my life partners.
Men will come and go, but my patners will always be there for me no matter what.

Wildgreens Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

I was unfamiliar with the word (except in the context of Easter Island). So I searched it and found this...


Reignmond Level 7 Feb 10, 2018

sounds nice.


Some people seem to need a great deal of social interaction. As a high-functioning Aspberger's Syndrom person, I would find a meeting of such people a less than pleasant experience...especially as the conversation turned to trite nonsense (as it almost always does), like, as to which colors warm-up a room. For some strange reason, not apparent to an Aspberger's, such illogical interactions seem to be enjoyable to many people.

dahermit Level 7 Feb 10, 2018

I fear that our drama quotient is too high here, and the breakup rate would be high. Then of course, Jerry Springer Live with Shattered Moaises! (moaisieue?)

CallMeDave Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

@silvereyes maybe keeping in touch by email counts. People move around so much.


What? Forced friendship groups? I thought you meant giant heads , as in Easter island.

Spinliesel Level 9 Feb 10, 2018

@silvereyes DO you think that would work in this very mobile society?


moais is not a word. What are you trying to say? W#hat does it mean?

steve148 Level 7 Feb 10, 2018

@silvereyes It's not in the dictionary. What does it mean?

@silvereyes I don't speak Japanese


I love the idea but is a very Tribal Idea based on an island system where people never leave the island. Of all my teen friends, I am the only one alive and not in Puerto Rico. Concept is great but wrong concept for this vast land of opportunity. I do recommend you then movie "15:17 to Paris". I look forward to visit my island and smoke my first "J" in over a decade and I know I am not going to like it. But we would talk about the good old days and remember all those missing. So many missing. I can go to my old neighborhood and see guys never been 40 miles away from the San Juan area. They are holding court in the "barrio" as the Living Legends and Elder Statesmen and when I show up and they recognize me... they will grab me by the arm and say to the 18 year old youngins... This is the motherfucker I been talking about. They did it 20 years ago. And they still ask about me to my buddies. MOAIS is a great Concept about Friendship but sometimes we need to grow and spread our wings while the moais may don't want to change. But is a beautiful concept for an island system.

@silvereyes That will be Perfect a little Comune of Like-Minded Friends with a commitment for life. I been thinking one day I will go and search for a hippy commune. I can live with little but your idea is not bad at all. I think that some active senior facilities are developing like that among members finding alike buddies and making their own little niche no different than high school within the community But your idea can expand to a farm and a group of friends all in the level can be made work. Sure can be. If resources available like minded can purchase land, build houses for all and will be Special, Really Special. You talking the Future. And if someone turn into an Asshole... Vote out the asshole quick.

I remember walking into my local pub for the first time in ten years and have the bar man greet me with "pint o' bitter, handled jug? Haven't seen you for a while!" Me " Yes thanks. Keeping good,yourself? Been in Australia these last ten years". That was thirty years ago.

@FrayedBear The good old times. Yep, I always looking to go home for no other reason than being arrested for first time in my life.... If is going to happen... let it happen at home, among friends, for something a teenager will get arrested for. He, he, he, ha, he, he.


I love this idea of Moais! Do you generally only formalize these pacts with people who you have already known and been friends with for many years? Once formed can you let new members in? Does anyone ever get ejected?

MrLink Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

I have few people who I call "friend". One is a man and his wife who I last saw on the day that he left school in 1966. We were in the same class for 4 years but until that day had never done anything other than nod at each other from across the street. I cannot remember what we talked about that day fifty years ago however I have in my minds eye an image of a sharp featured slim small man with long curly black hair well past his jacket collar.
We never ever saw each other again.
About ten years ago through the internet I learnt of his phone number and so started ringing him several times a year. That progressed and is now usually several times a month. We can and often converse for anything up to six hours at a time. It can become strained at times because he cannot understand why I am not like him a rabid Trump supporter. The strange thing is that he was never raised in the belief of any god and still laughs at the notion of such an entity. His laughter at flat earthers is even louder. Over the last 4 years he has time and time again proven himself to be a very valued staunch and loyal friend.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 13, 2018

I was in a group of three, now two. My best friends Nick and Fred from long ago. We have lived far apart, but always remained close. It would be easier on a smaller island for sure!

jeffy Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

You now have the internet. Currently I have free phone calls to my friend on the other side of the planet.


In US, people destroy friendship by just a meal misunderstanding on a particular issues...

Humanlove Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

I think it would be a great idea.


I think this is a good idea however I don't quite think that it would work with everyone. If you get them together as young kids then you have a greater chance of success however as they grow, they will change and differ from each other in many ways. In the modern competitive workplace it is hard to find spare time to meet up and distance could also be a big factor in seeing your Maois members.

Personally, my friends and I are quite different in the way that we have a very broad range of political, religious and ethical opinions. We debate them to the point of sometimes screaming over each other and then laughing at an inside joke made by one of us (usually me, but I'm biased). We disagree strongly on many things and I noticed this quite a bit over the years. Even though we went to different middle schools and high schools, we still met up for a bonfire party or a BBQ or a birthday and got along great.

Just before I left my country I said "Hey guys, I really like how we can disagree strongly on many different things, but at the end of the day we can sit here, eat dinner at the same table, laugh, enjoy ourselves and have a great time".

They all agreed that it was true. I believe that is true friendship. Even though we are all studying different courses at different universities and we will probably go our separate ways with careers. I think that we will still stay friends and help each other out when they need it.

Lancer Level 7 Feb 10, 2018

@silvereyes I agree.

I really like this idea and think it would really benefit people in many different communities but it may not work because of a difference in culture and community values.


I wish every weekend was Easter, it would give me a 4 day weekend.


I think it would be a good element to add to our culture. I and some of my friends have done this purely out of our own natures. I have groups of such long time friends from High School / hometown, the Young Adult Conservation Corps, and the Schoellkopf Geological Museum. I value these friends like family; and in fact, more than my family.

Reignmond Level 7 Feb 10, 2018

Moasis? never heard of it.

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