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If you want to see an apologist article, full of excuses and basically trying to dress up a this.

powder 8 Sep 28
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I suggest you learn some rudimentary immunology and some rudimentary epidemiology. I am with @Marionville, @FrayedBear and @Triphid on this one.

anglophone Level 9 Sep 28, 2021

@powder Your ignorance of immunology and of epidemiology is manifest.

@powder In my most honest opinion @powder you are either merely a trouble-maker seek ing attention or as thick as 2 short planks and, as such, a complete and utter waste of time, effort and breath trying to explain ANYTHING to you.
Hence, that is why I opted to Block you on a permanent basis.

@powder Statistics.

@powder I doubt that you would neither know actual Data or an analysis of Data if it manage to get up and bite you on your shiny, fat arse.

@powder Which vaccines are you talking about?

@powder There are no vaccines named in the article. Your answer is irrational.

@powder Your responses continue to be irrational.

@powder Those claims are not in the article that you cited. The response to Covid-19 includes vaccinating the population, which you claim is irrational. Vaccines came out before either you or I were born, so it is impossible for either of us to remember when vaccines came out, your "Remember when vaccines came out?" refers. Your "we were sold an inferior product." makes no reference to any medical reasons for choosing any particular vaccine.

You appear to have difficulty in engaging in informed debate.

@powder Your ignorance of immunology and epidemiology is showing again. You have failed to address the points that I raised with you. Your pushing for the population to be not vaccinated is absurd.

@powder Your claim "It is not rational to continue to aim to vaccinate the population" requires that the population should not be vaccinated. This will raise deaths and disabilities.

Your ignorance of immunology and of epidemiology is still on display.


@powder Your failure to express yourself clearly is not my problem. Your sloppy use of medical terms is not my problem. Your sloppy use of epidemiological terminology is not my problem.

As I have said before, you appear to lack even rudimentary knowledge of either immunology or epidemiology.


Only 4% of those who contracted Covid between March and September were fully vaccinated….in other words 96% were either unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated. What exactly do you not understand about that statistic that makes you say it’s an apologist article?

@powder I am not stupid…I understand how vaccines work. No vaccine clams to be 100% effective…if 96% of the people who contracted an illness such as smallpox proved to be unvaccinated would you still be using this completely arse-about face argument. I very much doubt it…you’d be saying why didn’t the stupid buggers go and get the smallpox vaccine!

@Marionville @marionville, imo, DO NOT waste your time and effort on @powder, it would better served trying to teach pigs to fly under their own power.


How so:

"While detailing the COVID deaths on Tuesday, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said people were "kidding themselves" if they thought they did not need to get vaccinated, warning that anyone could end up in a hospital ICU or die.

"It may be you that passes on the virus to your family or your friends and sees the responsibility then fall upon your shoulders for the death of one of your close friends or family," he said. "

Upto 76% of cases & hospitalisation is amongst the unvaccinated. How is that apologist?

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 28, 2021

Or dressing up a turd?

@FrayedBear I decided to ignore that Aussieism completely as it’s a facile remark!

@powder That has never been stated in this quarter.

@powder I know that I have blocked this dip-shit from the land of bending bananas so IF someone elects to copy and pass it on to him well and good.
Yes, Polio and Smallpox are viral diseases JUST like COVID, the Common Cold, Influenza, Cervical Cancers, approx. 87% of them are), YES effective vaccinations were developed to FIGHT against them and they are STILL both available and are working BUT those viruses ARE bY NO means defeated and gone, they ARE still around, they are still hanging in there just as are Gangrene, Tetanus, Whooping Couch, Typhoid Fever, Sexually Transmitted diseases such Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, etc, etc, Malaria, Ebola, Dengue Fever, etc, etc, and etc, and so on.
Vaccinations HELP to keep them in check, they HELP to save lives, alleviate the effects of these diseases.
The vaccines for Smallpox and Poliomyelitis weren't discovered in a rush though, it took time, lots and lots of time in Labs, etc.
The COVID Pandemic IS CAUSING a MASSIVE world-world DISASTER and Research Labs , etc, were put into a RUSH mode to find, make test, re-test and release a vaccine that could do a similar/same job as those for Polio, Smallpox and almost EVERY OTHER vaccine in use to this day.
When the Polio and Smallpox vaccines were first discovered the Researchers had a lot more TIME to go through the researches, etc, etc, RIGHT now there are Labs EVERYWHERE taking the COVID Virus and its Delta variant o pieces, under Electron Microscopes, etc, ( FYI @powder, BECAUSE they CANNOT be seen using either the NAKED eye nor a convenient type of Microscope btw) to discover EXACTLY what makes the virus "tick" how it invades and causes what it does and how to stop it altogether.
THIS IS a !,100% FACT since I have a cousin who works and has worked for the last 30 + plus years in the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories and since the COVID Pandemic struck the team she is a part of has the ONLY task on the Agenda being to UNLOCK the secrets of the COVID virus, learn every one of its weaknesses and FIND the way to defeat it completely.
When they have done this, they then plan to start doing the same to other Viral disease agents like Ebola, Polio, etc, etc, and find the way to defeat them completely as well.
Btw, 1 slip, 1 small mistake made while they are working and THEY are DEAD, that is how virulent the virus they are working on is, it IS a PURE form of it so to speak.


Still dribbling turds like water from a burst Sewer main I see, @powder.
Still pissed off that you can't got to Thailand and sell your property over there, don't want to pay some Thai Real Estate Agent his fees for handling the sale on your behalf, is that the root cause of it all perhaps.

Triphid Level 9 Sep 28, 2021
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