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What the hell happened in the NSW vote?

DragonDust 6 Mar 23
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Sadly, very,very sadly it looks like the bloody Liberal Scum have gotten back in but they lost Barwon to the Fishers,Farmers and Shooters Party (one good bit of news) and the seat of Murray as well to F.F.S. Party.
The Liberal Scum did their usual scam jobs on everything EAST of Dubbo by promising better roads and infrastructure, etc, etc,,throwing mulloch at every other party and person in the election and those selfish, self-centred idiots east of Dubbo swallowed the lot, hook, line and sinker.
So very little good came out if for use poor bastards living way out west of Dubbo except we've given the Libs a small sign that we are sick to death of them. The Cotton and Rice water thieves will still have free reign over the Upper Reaches of the Darling River and will continue to suck it dry.
A small bit of good news is that, for once the BoM got it right, we are getting a bit of steady, light rain here in Broken Hill for the fist time in quite a long time.

Triphid Level 9 Mar 23, 2019

Rain - good news indeed.

@FrayedBear Yes, but nowhere near enough sadly. A few days for the little bit we got to soak into the ground followed by another day of decent steady rain and then repeated over the next few weeks would great PLUS BIG downpours in the Darling River Catchment that would get the poor, dying river up and running strong again would be great as well.

@Triphid Cubby Station is a disgrace. I suspect that the WA government of allowing Chinese airfields and port ownership will also be long regretted.

@FrayedBear Well history has shown us what Cotton Cropping did to lands in the Southern States of the U.S., it screwed up the mineral balances, etc, in the soils BIG time, just like it did in India.
Anyone with half a brain knows that you DO NOT grow water guzzling crops in a semi-arid region and continually drain the ONLY natural water source for hundreds of miles around.

@Triphid Morons in power couldn't care less so long as they are being paid off.

@FrayedBear Then, is it NOT time we made them both listen and take heed?


Looks like the minor parties are on the rise. They each had a swing in their favour apart from Christian Democrats with the top two and Greens suffering.


Latham representing again, this time for One Nation! The usual One Nation internal spats could be a great spectator sport but it looks like the minors are positioned well for the the next Federal election. SFF particularly taking out the Nationals in rural Australia.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Mar 23, 2019

@powder I have to agree in principle. It’s good that the people are saying no to the status quo because something has to change. I recently did a paper on Pauline Handon’s One Nation. There is sincerity with Pauline Hanson which is sadly lacking in the major parties. She just seems to court internal strife. My problem with Latham as a politician is his propensity to jump ship when it suits. Which is fine as an Independent but causes disruption if associated with a party and mistrust with the electorate.

@powder bullying sociopath from memory.

@FrayedBear There’s always that as well!

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