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Just to get your blood boiling:

Here is a sad case of many words being trampled on. Husband and wife team Shortis and Simpson with an updated politically correct version of the world-renowned Australian song "Waltzing Matilda".
Take it away John and Moya

FrayedBear 9 Apr 20
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Create a new version if you like but do not write over the old one. Looking at you Disney (Also why Daria isn't worth buying).

DragonDust Level 6 Apr 21, 2019

Hmm, parody can have its uses. Very often traditional or folk songs are simply the result of people adapting lyrics to their own locale, citizens or occupation. Most of today's movies and plays can be traced back to plays of earlier times. Disney, renowned for his parsimony, was often recycling rather than paying for new original material.

@FrayedBear It was pretty funny actually.

@DragonDust thank you.


Bloody Political Correctness where will it end.
Bugger you bloody snowflakes, I'll sing Waltzing Mathilda the way it was written and MEANT to be sung whenever I feel like it.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 20, 2019

Luv ya!
I've just commented that PC is like Shariah law - funny as until it is imposed on you.

Beige people wanting beige thoughts, beige culture, beige conformity.

@FrayedBear They, in my opinion, are just Snowflakes wanting the entire world to become snowflakes like they are.

@Triphid They are still believing in faeries and probably gods. They are the ones who block you and adopt ? ? ? postures!



That is so good! Love the swagperson and the water source! On the subject of PC, I watched Monty Python last night and there were so many incidents which the programme makers couldn’t get away with today. Eric Idle blacked up as a southern US server, John Cleese blacked up as a West Indian cricketer, the Village Idiot sketch and the portrayal of mental illness in the Silly Party Sketch. You are right. What are we losing and more to the point, what are we gaining other than sterile artistic content?

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Apr 20, 2019

lol that's brilliant

They have a wonderfully wicked lyricist.

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