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Stephen Fry- Mythos
I'm ashamed to say that I never knew much about Greek mythology until now. It never interested me, and I probably wouldn't have bought the book if Stephen Fry wasn't the author. But I have to say that I absolutely loved it. It's the first audiobook I've bought, and even though I love paper books, Fry's voice is sublime and I can't imagine having anythign but the audio version.

HannaYou 6 July 10
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I have this in my audiobook Want List.

Reignmond Level 7 Mar 20, 2022

The whole subject is interesting and underrated- alot in
society is based on ( directly or indirectly ) on how society
grew away from ownership & belief in our collective myths.
Why did we need myths - why did we " out grow " them;
or do we still need a comfortable set of beliefs and just made new ones. I read Joeseph Cambell , he covers alot
of the benifits and pitfalls of what happened with mythology in the past.
Good post ,thanks🙂

BBJong Level 7 July 19, 2020

I absolutely agree; it is sadly underrated. There's an interview with Stephen Fry on the Graham Norton show where he talks about how we, humans, have somehow lost our primal habit of gathering around and listening to stories. I love Stephen Fry, brilliant man.

@HannaYou AGREE ;I love his approaches to history and most cultural institutions- they ALL need an UPDATE and become more HUMAN FREINDLY🎶

@HannaYou A big issue is yhe quality and message of our current entertainments. Nearly all the old folk tales carried morality or group philosophy for living.


Awesome! I just borrowed the audiobook from the library two minutes ago so I’m glad to hear such a positive review!

kdmom Level 6 July 15, 2020

@HannaYou by the way, I enjoyed listening to Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. That one is also narrated by the author and he has a nice voice. Most of their mythology is related to food and drink, I was like “I could this religion.” 😆

@kdmom I've gotten really into Greek mythology ever since I've listened to the book, and do want to look more into Norse mythology as well. I love it all, it's like a soap opera times a thousand 😀. And anything to do with food and drink, I'm down for 🙂

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