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The handsomest boy in the forest....for now, at least. Hunting season will be opening soon and big flocks of turkeys will move up to the fields and forest on the hill where my parents' "farm" is. There is no real hunting pressure on the hill and (I assume) the birds feel safer up there. I haven't seen any big toms yet, but there are plenty of jakes and hens.

Insectra 8 Apr 14
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Nice shot! The wild turkeys on our wooded hill farm were so used to me that once a hen turkey walking past where I was staking out some spring warblers, stepped on my foot!

birdingnut Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

Was raining the other day and saw two sitting in someone's front yard. Two seconds later - a bunch of ducks in someone's front yard. I think this might be the meaning of "Rural"? lol

Also baby turkey season is awesome! They're so darn cute.

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 14, 2018

@Insectra Baby turkeys... lol I had no idea what to call them and it's just not a day for Googling! Yes that must be so much fun! My niece and her wife raised ducklings - it was so adorable. Now they have ducks (also cute) and dogs. And there's no rough housing because the dogs knew them as ducklings. So much fun for people who put in the work.

@Insectra, what a sad ending to an astounding life 😟

@Insectra My niece's dogs go nuts if they know there's a fox. Too bad the dogs weren't out. Sorry about your duck.

And amazing how they just don't even know they have an issue! I love that about animals.

@Insectra I figured something prevented them. I was with them one day when one must have approached. I've seen dogs go full out - but this was something,

@Insectra Now I have an indoor guard cat. I hate to say it but he alerts way better to someone pulling into the driveway then the dog ever did! lol

Pretty sure he's part Maine Coon. Also I think he could take out a robber. He'd just sprawl in the dark and kill them.

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