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The FDA bans cancer causing food additives but won't enforce until 2020 - WTF!!!!!! We need it now!!!!! I have already omitted pre-packaged goods from my diet-too many artificial ingredients and sodium.

sassygirl3869 9 Mar 4
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Nothing wrong with sodium, as in the chloride, other than not taking too much. In fact, it is the sodium/potassium balance that operates your ability to control your muscles. Hence, in hot, sweaty weather the onset of cramp, counteracted by taking salt.
I think you need to look at the levels of Sodium (or potassium) NITRITE.

Petter Level 9 Mar 4, 2019

I had no sodium drummed into me by dieticians in the Cancer Program and Cardiac Program both.

@sassygirl3869 My cancer man says "moderation". Your body needs salt, especially in sweaty weather, but keep it down. There's often enough in what you eat. Cured meats, usually containing nitrite salts, are the bad boys!


I agree, Sassygirl. The best way to stay healthy is to "shop the walls" of the grocery store. I stay out of the aisles unless it's to pick up a can of sustainable tuna, healthy organic cereal or the likes. I can't believe how many items contain soy lecithin, carnauba wax, insect excretions, harmful dyes and other chemicals.

If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it. And don't fall for the con in the "natural" aisle. There is no legal definition for "natural" when it comes to food. That stuff is full of additives that'll kill you over time. It's bad enough there's chemicals in our water and air. We don't need them in our food too.

Nothing wrong with PURE soy lecithin, obtained organically. It the stuff that is extracted by using Hexane etc of the residue left over after extracting soy oil from GMO soy that is the worry.
By the way, honey is a sort of "insect excretion"!

@Petter Well I didn't say ALL insect secretions were bad 🙂


They always want to give time to the manufactures to do the right thing... Sheesh..


I guess because it will take a little time for manufacturers to gear up (change recipes, up-fit plants, order alternate ingredients, etc) so as to not create chaos.. ??

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