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Does anyone on here sell any of their art?

yaya87 5 June 25
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I do! I also own a Gallery! It started as a co-op, but I found that I don't have the time or inclination to bug the artist about if they paid their monthly dues or did their days, so now it is thirty percent across the board. I do bead work, myself. I have not sold on this site...can you? But I have at other co-ops and ebay. PS I just joined maybe three days ago, so I am learning about this site still!

Hathacat Level 9 July 2, 2018

I do, but haven't directly from this site.

Evogoddess Level 4 June 26, 2018

I do. I used to do art fairs, Florida and Michigan but now sell through local art groups.

mjbirder Level 4 June 26, 2018

I sell prints and do commissions, thats what I do for a living.

JesseBoren Level 7 June 26, 2018

@Residualspirit I don't care what of mine you want to share, if I put it on the internet I don't care
my shop is called Earthborne Studios
my FB
I accept all friend requests, until its full anyway


I have an etsy shop.


Yes. My daughter and I sell at our local farmers market. Used to have an Etsy store but the fees are getting too high.

Frctnal Level 7 June 26, 2018

My sister was just telling me about that. It sucks because there are a lot of people who go on Etsy.


No, I just fiddle about and enjoy myself I rarely even show what I have done unless its for a group exhibition - Someone once said to me in the presence of another who had asked, if she could have her artwork ,- yes why not I am done with it? I do like people being able to make a living out of selling their art but it doesn't interest me at all so I go back to fiddling at anything really. I made a witch for halloween - we have a parade and bonfire here she is life sized modelled on me (but I secretly think she looks like my mum) I took the witch in a wheel chair and it really scared the folks who looked to see who was in it.

jacpod Level 8 June 26, 2018

you are welcome to post your work here. If anyone is interested in buying they can PM you

btroje Level 9 June 25, 2018

I want to start selling my art because I have been out of work due to a chronic illness that I am currently fighting right now. to make some money for some bills.

yaya87 Level 5 June 25, 2018

You could message the artist and ask if they sell there work.


I sell some things in a consignment shop. I haven't got the economics worked out yet, because I always seem to lose money. Still, it's better than cluttering up my house with objects. I like making them more than having them.

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