5 14

I love making dolls for myself when I get down...they make me smile and I can make them to fit my mood...happy, sad, dark, are two I made just out of what I had on hand...they are really small...about 5 inches in height

thinktwice 8 July 11
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Your dolls are wonderful!!!!

Thank you...some of them are cute, and some not so much...but they are mostly for me, so I love them all! lol

@thinktwice You'll have to post some of the not so cute!! Just for comparison.




what are the bodies made of

btroje Level 9 July 11, 2018

Scraps of cloth...just bits and bobs I have in my crafting studio...craft paint for the faces...old earrings..left over yarns...whatever I have...


I'm a nut for dolls. Those are adorable.

Deb57 Level 8 July 11, 2018

Really like the blue one! Very "Queen of the sea".

DotLewis Level 7 July 11, 2018

I am working on a couple of mermaid ones using that yarn...because it does remind me of the sea! Thank you!

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