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There is a rule I apply to all projects, whether they be crafts, writing assignments, videos, and so on. I call it TGE, short for That's Good Enough.

Sometimes a project will drag on and on, until I get caught up in the minutiae of it, in a hopeless pursuit of perfection.

Myself, I when I realize that I have a project that's dragged on way too long, I bring out the magic TGE, and the problem is solved.

I mention this because I was putting together a mash up movie, made from 3 films: Planet of Storms, Voyage to a Prehistoric Planet, and Voyage to the Planet of the Prehistoric Women. I used Sony Movie Studio 13, a product that may well convince me to believe in god, because it was designed by demons.

I went through several tries on the film, having edits disappear, having 3 or 4 power flickers that lost all data, and a whoooole lotta just plain screw ups from me.

Finally, it's done. It's rendering to MP4 right now. Will it be up to standard? Will my edits disappear? I don't care, because TGE.

Robotbuilder 7 Aug 25
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At some point, ya gotta walk away! I'm rarely completely happy with anything I've done...ugh. Lol...I just thought of doing this very same thing when getting ready for the day. I look in the mirror at myself with that critical eye and say "good enough"!


I do that with my bead work. If it has flaws that I can't or won't fix for various reasons, it's mine, (or family). I won't sell flawed.

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 25, 2018

I remember knitting myself a cardigan and when I was finished thinking - Thats good enough for her (her being me)!

jacpod Level 8 Aug 25, 2018

So, will we get an opportunity to check out your work?

It will be on I'll post the URL when it finally uploads. In the meantime, here is a poster for the film. The poster follows the One Rule of low budget movie posters: nothing in the poster actually happens in the film.

Here you go: []

@Robotbuilder Either, it's a tale of religious disillusion, or a another saga of how white males screw up a perfectly good civilization. 😉

@I_dont_know The original film was great sci fi action adventure. All that stuff with the sea women was added when someone took the footage and added that. I added another ending to it. It's now a film with THREE climaxes. More for your money. 😉


Leonardo D never finished La Gioconda... carried around the painting for over 4 years, was forced to give it up, Michaelangelo B was never satisfied with the final product of any work he did. I write songs and to me my best lyrics come within a 20-30 minute period... a Genius, I am not and yet some songs took me over 30 years. I got "No Rule" but neither a "Motivation" to finish a Project. When I worked as an illustrator.... It was a Task, finish a good enough and move on to the next one forgetting the last. But I was never satisfied because could had done better, could had done faster. You aproach your Art your way! TGE is up to you.

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