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So this is a follow up kinda post. I wanted to originally screen print a shirt and had my own design and then I started thinking about doing it myself after a lovely member mentioned the process. I took a kid's drawing at work and blew it up in a sense. I also did another shirt that I drew of my own that was a sloth but I didn't take a picture. The screen printing was done in a home made way with an embroidery hoop and hosiery so pardon the roughness.

Jellosfriend 6 June 22
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I found my stash of transfer sheets, they are inkjet if you are interested.

glennlab Level 10 June 22, 2019


My mom was a business woman. She started out screen printing and worked her way up to owning a few companies and a store. Anyway, of my fondest memories growing up was a screen printing factory in our garage. There were several machines and a conveyor dryer.

As a kid I came up with my own design. She made a shirt for me. With the shirt she screen the outline of the drawing and then brushed in the color.

Your design would really pop with color. You can still color it by hand and then reheat it.

Heathenman Level 7 June 22, 2019

A new skill .

Cast1es Level 9 June 22, 2019

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