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How many people have dabbled in selling your crafts? I've sold my jewelry at science fiction conventions, as well as a few craft shows.

I find it discouraging: I make what I think are great displays, with unusual looking designs, at near giveaway prices. And then people pass by my table so fast I can hear the sonic boom in their wake. Well, sometimes they stop and say "You have some nice gs," before heading to the booth where the guy sold jewelry he bought wholesale from KMart's bankruptcy sale.

My favorite of all the crazy customers: I was selling some necklaces made from meteorites. "I have to go and read up on the spiritual significance of meteorites before I buy," she said.

"You don't need to do that. They're already significant. Everyone you have ever owned has come from this world. They come from the great beyond, from a place we will never get to. Just possessing one is an amazing g..."

She was not sold on the idea.

Many, many years ago I was a silversmith. I would get silver in sheet and wire form, cut, sand and solder things of beauty. I specialized in rings, with such stones as red coral, turquoise, tiger eye, malachite, amethyst and so on. I figured out the cost of material, and the number of hours each ring took. From that I calculated a fair price. I didn't sell a one. That is why I do craft jewelry now.

But, at any event, I have some success selling jewelry. And I have found that science fiction fans make the best customers. They actively seek out the unique.

Craft shows? The people are looking for More of the Same. They want stuff, and they want kitsch. Jewelry is out of place.

Robotbuilder 7 Mar 23
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I sell my creepy crafts at shows if they pull in my target audience which are goths and horror fans. I do well at Halloween for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, my work is quite heavy to carry around to shows, that plus all the standing is a bit hard on the body. If the show is highly targeted, I can pull up to $1,200/8hr event. It takes me more than a month to make that on Etsy. (Excluding Halloween and Christmas months)


I used to see on Etsy. Problem is the site is saturated with knitting and crocheting items. I have kind of given up for the moment.


I used to sell stuff when I was traveling and in my twenties. Now I prefer to gift things away. I am kept busy making them, and filled with happiness as I create smiles.

Annaleda Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

I've never tried to sell my blankets. Nobody would pay enough to cover the time that goes into them. I give them away as gifts and people seem to be really pleased when they get one. Somehow thats worth more to me 🙂

JimmyM Level 7 Mar 23, 2018

I have sold some of my fiber arts in a gallery and sold jewelry I made. It's amazing how many friends and extended family members thinks it's acceptable to just ask you to do artwork for them for free, though. I get a lot of requests like that and they take up a lot of time that I could be making things to sell.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

Yea, same experience here. I get a few sales at craft and art shows with my jewelry but not enough to justify doing them. It's pretty discouraging. I am at the point where I just wanna make stuff for myself and for gifts and just give up on the selling side of things.

polyananda Level 5 Mar 23, 2018

I think we'd all love to see some pictures of your work!!

I tried etsy but after 6 months and not even a nibble I closed the shop. If you have not tried etsy look into it and see if it might be worthwhile.

I started doing wire weaving just to have a bit of a creative outlet. I have managed to recoup my materials costs and just a few dinners out in the black. lol

Rings and earings do not seem to sell. The rings that seem to sell at the Farmers Market are made from old silverplate flatware and a couple from up in Ronald have that market corned.

I wear my stuff and people admire my work but still not alot of sales. Either the discretionary income is not there or people don't dare to be different.

I was on Etsy for a while; I gave up on it. It's a great place to buy supplies, but for selling, no.


I had thought about it, but never did....not sure I want after reading this. lol

fearlas Level 6 Mar 23, 2018

It is sad. Uniform taste formed from uniform input....

Yes I agree...

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