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Hello! Iā€™m Beth from NC. I make jewelry like the tigers eye/copper ring in the pic; also sketch, paint, work with polymer clay, crochet, and other crafts. Have made soap, candles, natural skin products, sugar scrub. I enjoy arts and crafts of all kinds.

CarolinaGirl60 8 May 3
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Here are some hairpins I made as gifts.


The ring looks grezt

gigihein Level 8 May 3, 2018

Thank you!


I would like to see more of your work too.


Hi Beth from North Carolina! My name is Mike ?? I am a retired art director and graphic designer. I've worked in Chicago for a few years. Now I am doing my own fine art. I have a BFA in Visual Communications from Kendall College of Art and Design/Ferris State University, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

My early background is art. Majored in art and humanities for 2&1/2 years...then had two babies and went to nursing school. Art is a fulfilling hobby now. Share your work too, if you will!


Looks Ejyptian in style to me, intriguing.

Thank you! Thatā€™s one of my influences. When traveling, in museums, I always go for the jewelry.


Terrific work!!

Thank you!


Wow! Great work! If you post how to videos, let me know. I am just starting out in jewelry making, and would enjoy chatting with more experienced makers

No videos yet, ways to go on being that good! I end up with a different piece than Iā€™m going for, usually. But I like most of them so itā€™s ok. I started with dead soft bare copper in several gauges. Please message me if you have questions; Iā€™ll try my best to answer.



Archer Level 7 May 3, 2018



HI Beth!!! Far out!! I do wire weaving with natural stones and beads. I've posted here, hope you check out my stuff.
I use to be a potter, and hand building calls me . . . . . . . . we'll see.
Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Thanks! Iā€™m a beginner and my arting style tends to be ā€˜primitiveā€™. But I love doing it. Looking forward to seeing your work?

@CarolinaGirl60 I try to go there and end up way art nouveau šŸ™‚


Nice ring! Many, many years ago, I lived with a guy who cut stones and made jewelry. He taught me to cut stones. Stuff like quartz, not gem stones. I mounted one in a ring but didn't get into the jewelry making before the relationship ended. I can say (somewhat proudly) that lapidary was ONE craft/skill that when I learned it, I didn't run out and buy all the equipment needed to do it. Do sometimes wish I could access equipment but given all the art/craft/hobby supplies I own and don't use now, glad I passed on one.
OK, full disclosure, it is the ONLY one I can remember not getting equipped for. šŸ˜•

DotLewis Level 7 May 3, 2018

I feel you...I have all the stuff for PMC(metal clay) including a beehive kiln! Made four pieces with it in all.? I tend to get all the stuff, when Iā€™m really into a new craft.

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